A Comparative Evaluation of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Multivariate Data

    科技2022-07-11  75

    论文原文:HTML 论文被引:396(2020/10/03)


    AbstractIntroductionCategorization of Anomaly DetectionAnomaly Detection SetupsAnomaly Detection Algorithm OutputTypes of AnomaliesNormalization Related WorkUnsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithmsk-NN Global Anomaly DetectionLocal Outlier Factor (LOF)Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF)Influenced Outlierness (INFLO)Local Outlier Probability (LoOP)Local Correlation Integral (LOCI)Approximate Local Correlation Integral (aLOCI)Cluster-Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF/ uCBLOF)Local Density Cluster-based Outlier Factor (LDCOF)Clustering-based Multivariate Gaussian Outlier Score (CMGOS)Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS)One-Class Support Vector MachineRobust Principal Component Analysis (rPCA)Reviewing Algorithm Complexities and Implementation Datasets for BenchmarkingDataset Summary Comparative EvaluationResults of the Nearest-neighbor based AlgorithmsResults of the Clustering-based AlgorithmsResults of other AlgorithmsComputation Time Comparison of Algorithms ConclusionAcknowledgmentsAuthor Contributions


    Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unexpected items or events in datasets, which differ from the norm. In contrast to standard classification tasks, anomaly detection is often applied on unlabeled data, taking only the internal structure of the dataset into account. This challenge is known as unsupervised anomaly detection and is addressed in many practical applications, for example in network intrusion detection, fraud detection as well as in the life science and medical domain. Dozens of algorithms have been proposed in this area, but unfortunately the research community still lacks a comparative universal evaluation as well as common publicly available datasets. These shortcomings are addressed in this study, where 19 different unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms are evaluated on 10 different datasets from multiple application domains. By publishing the source code and the datasets, this paper aims to be a new well-funded basis for unsupervised anomaly detection research. Additionally, this evaluation reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches for the first time. Besides the anomaly detection performance, computational effort, the impact of parameter settings as well as the global/local anomaly detection behavior is outlined. As a conclusion, we give an advise on algorithm selection for typical real-world tasks.



    In machine learning, the detection of “not-normal” instances within datasets has always been of great interest. This process is commonly known as anomaly detection or outlier detection. The probably first definition was given by Grubbs in 1969 [1]: “An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs”. Although this definition is still valid today, the motivation for detecting these outliers is very different now. Back then, the main reason for the detection was to remove the outliers afterwards from the training data since pattern recognition algorithms were quite sensitive to outliers in the data. This procedure is also called data cleansing. After the development of more robust classifiers, the interest in anomaly detection decreased a lot. However, there was a turning point around the year 2000, when researchers started to get more interested in the anomalies itself, since they are often associated with particular interesting events or suspicious data records. Since then, many new algorithms have been developed which are evaluated in this paper. In this context, the definition of Grubbs was also extended such that today anomalies are known to have two important characteristics:

    Anomalies are different from the norm with respect to their features andThey are rare in a dataset compared to normal instances.



    Anomaly detection algorithms are now used in many application domains and often enhance traditional rule-based detection systems.


    Intrusion detection is probably the most well-known application of anomaly detection [2, 3]. In this application scenario, network traffic and server applications are monitored. Potential intrusion attempts and exploits should then be identified using anomaly detection algorithms. Besides this network-based intrusion detection, also host-based intrusion detection systems are available, commonly using system call data of a running computers. Most security vendors often call anomaly detection in this context behavioral analysis [4]. An important challenge in these often commercial Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is the huge amount of data to be processed in near real-time. For this reason, these systems typically use simple but fast anomaly detection algorithms. Intrusion detection systems are also a good example where anomaly detection complements traditional rule-based systems: They typically use pattern matching for the fast and reliable detection of known threats while an additional anomaly detection module tries to identify yet unknown suspicious activity.

    入侵检测可能是异常检测最著名的应用[2,3]。在这个应用场景中,网络流量和服务器应用被监控。然后,应该使用异常检测算法来识别潜在的入侵。除了这种基于网络的入侵检测之外,基于主机的入侵检测系统也是可用的,通常使用正在运行的计算机的系统调用数据。在这种情况下,大多数安全供应商通常称异常检测为行为分析[4]。在这些通常是商业入侵检测系统中,一个重要的挑战是要近乎实时地处理大量的数据。因此,这些系统通常使用简单但快速的异常检测算法。入侵检测系统也是一个很好的例子,其中异常检测补充了传统的基于规则的系统:它们通常使用模式匹配(pattern matching)来快速可靠地检测已知威胁,而另一个异常检测模块试图识别未知的可疑活动。

    Fraud detection is another application of anomaly detection [5]. Here, typically log data is analyzed in order to detect misuses of a system or suspicious events indicating fraud. In particular, financial transactions can be analyzed in order to detect fraudulent accounting [6] and credit card payments logs can be used to detect misused or stolen credit cards [7]. With the strong growth in internet payment systems as well as the increase of offered digital goods, such as ebooks, music, software and movies, fraud detection becomes more and more important in this area. This is due to the fact that pure digital transactions attract scammers since they are less likely to be identified in the real world.


    Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) is a third important application scenario, where sensitive information is protected by detecting data loss at an early stage [8]. In principle, it is similar to fraud detection, but with a focus on near-real-time analysis such that is serves as a precaution method. In this context, accesses to databases, file servers and other information sources are logged and analyzed in order to detect uncommon access patterns.

    防止数据泄露(Data Leakage Prevention,DLP)是第三种重要的应用场景,通过在早期检测数据丢失来保护敏感信息[8]。原则上,它类似于欺诈检测,但侧重于近实时分析,这是一种预防方法。在这种情况下,会记录和分析对数据库、文件服务器和其他信息源的访问,以便检测不常见的访问模式。

    In medical applications and life sciences, anomaly detection is also utilized. One example is patient monitoring, where electrocardiography (ECG) signals or other body sensors are used to detect critical, possibly life-threatening situations [9]. Additionally, anomaly detection is applied for analyzing medical images, for example computed tomography (CT) in order to detect abnormal cells or tumors. In this application, anomaly detection algorithms rely of course on complex image processing methods as a preprocessing step. In life sciences, anomaly detection might also be utilized to find pathologies and mutants.


    Besides these four main application areas, anomaly detection is also used in many specialized applications. For example, surveillance camera data can be analyzed for suspicious movements [10], in smart buildings energy consumption anomalies can be found [11], mobile communication networks can be monitored [12] and also forged documents can be detected by a forensic application investigating printed documents [13]. Finally, it is also used in very complex systems in order to detect critical states, of which engineers and developers did not possibly think about during designing the system [14]. Among all these very different application domains, synonyms are often used for the anomaly detection process, which include outlier detection, novelty detection, fraud detection, misuse detection, intrusion detection and behavioral analysis. However, the basic underlying techniques refer to the same algorithms presented in the following sections. More detailed information about application domains as well as overviews of proposed algorithms can be found in the comprehensive surveys of Chandola et al. [15], Hodge et al. [16], Pimentel et al. [17] and Markos et al. [18].

    除了这四个主要应用领域之外,异常检测还用于许多专门的应用。例如,可以对监控摄像头数据进行可疑活动分析[10],在智能建筑中可以发现能耗异常[11],可以监控移动通信网络[12],还可以通过调查打印文档的法庭应用程序检测伪造文档[13]。最后,它还用于非常复杂的系统,以检测关键状态,而工程师和开发人员在设计系统时不可能考虑到这些状态[14]。在所有这些非常不同的应用领域中,同义词(synonyms)通常用于异常检测过程,包括异常检测、新颖性检测、欺诈检测、误用检测、入侵检测和行为分析。然而,基本的底层技术指的是下面几节中介绍的相同算法。关于应用领域的更详细的信息以及提出的算法的概述可以在Chandola等 [15],霍奇等 [16],Pimentel等 [17] 和 Markos等 [18]的综述中找到。

    As we can see from this huge variety, also different practical requirements exist for anomaly detection algorithms. In some cases they have to be very fast in a near real-time fashion. In other cases, detection performance is more important due to a high cost of missing an anomaly. In this context, it is also possible to classify the application domains with respect to the point in time when an anomaly should be detected. Among the post-incident analysis and the near real-time detection, additionally a predictive-driven motivation exists, also know as early warning [19]. Of course, the latter is the most difficult anomaly detection task, but often major incidents are preceded by minor indications which can be detected.


    In this article we present a comparative evaluation of a large variety of anomaly detection algorithms. Clearly, anomaly detection performance is one very important factor for algorithm selection. However, we will also outline strength and weaknesses of the algorithms with respect to their usefulness for specific application scenarios additionally. This supports our main goal that this work should serve as a guideline for selecting an appropriate unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm for a given task.


    Categorization of Anomaly Detection

    Anomaly Detection Setups

    In contrast to the well-known classification setup, where training data is used to train a classifier and test data measures performance afterwards, there are multiple setups possible when talking about anomaly detection. Basically, the anomaly detection setup to be used depends on the labels available in the dataset and we can distinguish between three main types as illustrated in Fig 1:

    与众所周知的分类设置不同,在众所周知的分类设置中,训练数据用于训练分类器,然后测试数据测量性能,在谈到异常检测时,有多种设置是可能的。基本上,要使用的异常检测设置取决于数据集中可用的标签,我们可以区分三种主要类型,如图1所示: 图1。不同的异常检测模式取决于数据集中标签的可用性。监督异常检测使用完全标记的数据集进行训练。半监督异常检测使用无异常的训练数据集。之后,测试数据与正常模型的偏差被用来检测异常。无监督的异常检测算法仅使用数据的内在信息,以检测偏离大多数数据的情况。

    Supervised Anomaly Detection describes the setup where the data comprises of fully labeled training and test data sets. An ordinary classifier can be trained first and applied afterwards. This scenario is very similar to traditional pattern recognition with the exception that classes are typically strongly unbalanced. Not all classification algorithms suit therefore perfectly for this task. For example, decision trees like C4.5 [20] cannot deal well with unbalanced data, whereas Support Vector Machines (SVM) [21] or Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [22] should perform better. However, this setup is practically not very relevant due to the assumption that anomalies are known and labeled correctly. For many applications, anomalies are not known in advance or may occur spontaneously as novelties during the test phase.

    监督异常检测描述了数据由完全标记的训练和测试数据集组成的设置。一个普通的分类器先训练,后应用。这个场景非常类似于传统的模式识别,除了类通常非常不平衡。因此,并非所有的分类算法都完全适合这项任务。例如,像C4.5 [20]这样的决策树不能很好地处理不平衡的数据,而支持向量机(SVM) [21]或人工神经网络[22]应该表现得更好。然而,这种设置实际上并不十分相关,因为假设异常是已知的并且标记正确。对于许多应用来说,异常是事先不知道的,或者在测试阶段可能会自发出现。

    Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection also uses training and test datasets, whereas training data only consists of normal data without any anomalies. The basic idea is, that a model of the normal class is learned and anomalies can be detected afterwards by deviating from that model. This idea is also known as “one-class” classification [23]. Well-known algorithms are One-class SVMs [24] and autoencoders [25]. Of course, in general any density estimation method can be used to model the probability density function of the normal classes, such as Gaussian Mixture Models [26] or Kernel Density Estimation [27].

    半监督异常检测还使用训练和测试数据集,而训练数据仅由正常数据组成,没有任何异常。基本思想是,学习正常类的模型,然后通过偏离该模型来检测异常。这种想法也被称为 one-class classification [23]。众所周知的算法是One-class SVMs[24]和自动编码器(autoencoders)[25]。当然,一般来说,任何密度估计方法都可以用来对正常类的概率密度函数进行建模,例如高斯混合模型(GMM)[26]或核密度估计(KDE)[27]。

    Unsupervised Anomaly Detection is the most flexible setup which does not require any labels. Furthermore, there is also no distinction between a training and a test dataset. The idea is that an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm scores the data solely based on intrinsic properties of the dataset. Typically, distances or densities are used to give an estimation what is normal and what is an outlier. This article only focuses on this unsupervised anomaly detection setup.


    Anomaly Detection Algorithm Output

    As an output of an anomaly detection algorithm, two possibilities exist. First, a label can be used as a result indicating whether an instance is an anomaly or not. Second, a score or confidence value can be a more informative result indicating the degree of abnormality. For supervised anomaly detection, often a label is used due to available classification algorithms. On the other hand, for semi-supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms, scores are more common. This is mainly due to the practical reasons, where applications often rank anomalies and only report the top anomalies to the user. In this work, we also use scores as output and rank the results such that the ranking can be used for performance evaluation. Of course, a ranking can be converted into a label using an appropriate threshold.


    Types of Anomalies

    The main idea of unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms is to detect data instances in a dataset, which deviate from the norm. However, there are a variety of cases in practice where this basic assumption is ambiguous. Fig 2 illustrates some of these cases using a simple twodimensional dataset. Two anomalies can be easily identified by eye: x1 and x2 are very different from the dense areas with respect to their attributes and are therefore called global anomalies. When looking at the dataset globally, x3 can be seen as a normal record since it is not too far away from the cluster c2. However, when we focus only on the cluster c2 and compare it with x3 while neglecting all the other instances, it can be seen as an anomaly. Therefore, x3 is called a local anomaly, since it is only anomalous when compared with its close-by neighborhood. It depends on the application, whether local anomalies are of interest or not. Another interesting question is whether the instances of the cluster c3 should be seen as three anomalies or as a (small) regular cluster. These phenomena is called micro cluster and anomaly detection algorithms should assign scores to its members larger than the normal instances, but smaller values than the obvious anomalies. This simple example already illustrates that anomalies are not always obvious and a score is much more useful than a binary label assignment.

    无监督异常检测算法的主要思想是检测数据集中偏离标准的数据实例。然而,在实践中有些情况下,这一基本假设是模糊的。图2用一个简单的二维数据集说明了其中的一些情况。两种异常可以很容易地被肉眼识别出来:x1和x2在属性上与密集区域非常不同,因此被称为全局异常。当全局观察数据集时,x3可以被视为正常记录,因为它离聚类/簇c2并不太远。然而,当我们只关注聚类/簇c2并将其与x3进行比较,而忽略所有其他实例时,x3可以被视为异常(局部异常),它只有在与其邻近的邻域相比较时才是异常的,这取决于应用是否关注局部异常。另一个有趣的问题是,聚类/簇c3应该被视为三个异常还是一个正常聚类/簇。这些现象被称为微聚类(micro cluster),异常检测算法应该为其成员分配比正常情况大但比明显异常小的分值。这个简单的例子已经说明了异常并不总是明显的,分数比二分类标签赋值更有用。 图2。一个简单的二维例子。说明了全局异常(x1,x2)、局部异常x3和微聚类c3。

    Fortunately, it is still possible to utilize point anomaly detection algorithms to detect contextual and collective anomalies. In order to do so, the context itself can be included as a new feature. Concerning our simple example of the temperature measurement, a direct inclusion of the month as a second feature is easily possible. However, in more complex scenarios, one or more newly derived features might be required to transform the contextual anomaly detection task into a point anomaly detection problem. For addressing the collective anomalies, correlation, aggregation and grouping is used to generate a new dataset with a different representation of the features [11]. This transformation from a collective anomaly detection task to a point anomaly detection task requires a solid background knowledge of the dataset and often results in a point anomaly detection dataset, which features and instances are very different from the original raw data. This semantic transformation is also called the generation of a data view [28]. As we can conclude from these three different type of anomalies, not every anomaly detection task is suitable to be processed directly using an anomaly detection algorithm. In fact, many practical anomaly detection problems often require a preprocessing in order to generate the appropriate data views. In this work, we also carefully selected the datasets to be point anomaly detection problems, such that no further preprocessing is necessary and we can directly compare the detection performance of the different algorithms.



    When a dataset was preprocessed such that it represents a point anomaly detection problem, the final step before the unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm can be applied is normalization. Similar to the generation of the data view, normalization should also be performed with taking background knowledge into account. Typical normalization methods are min-max normalization, where every feature is normalized into a common interval (for example [0, 1]), and standardizing, where each feature is transformed such that its mean is zero and its standard deviation is one. In practical applications, the min-max normalization is often used, so do we in the evaluation in this article. Please note, that sometimes straight-forward normalization can also be contra-productive. Let’s assume we have a categorical binary feature converted to [0, 1] and a numerical value measuring a length normalized to [0, 1]. Since the categorical binary feature results in distances being either one or zero, it has a much bigger influence on the result as the numerical value. This is the reason, why background information is also important during normalization to avoid these errors in the normalization process. Possible solutions to that challenge include using different intervals for the different semantic features, or when categorical features come into play, using a weighted distance function [29].

    当数据集被预处理以使其代表点异常检测问题时,在可以应用无监督异常检测算法之前的最后一步是归一化(normalization)。类似于数据视图的生成,归一化也应该在考虑背景知识的情况下执行。典型的归一化方法是min-max归一化,其中每个特征被归一化到同一区间,例如[0,1];以及标准化(standardizing),其中每个特征被转换,使得其均值为零,其标准差为一。在实际应用中,经常使用min-max归一化,我们在本文的评估中也是如此。请注意,有时直截了当的归一化也可能会适得其反。假设我们有一个分类二元特征转换为[0,1]和测量归一化为[0,1]的长度的数值。因为分类二进制特征导致距离为1或0,所以它作为数值对结果有更大的影响。这就是为什么背景信息在标准化过程中也很重要,以避免标准化过程中的这些错误。这一挑战的可能解决方案包括对不同的语义特征使用不同的间隔,或者当分类特征开始发挥作用时,使用加权距离函数(weighted distance function)[29]。

    Related Work

    It could already be inferred from the previous sections that this article primarily deals with multivariate tabular data. Differently structured data, such as graphs or sequential data, is often processed in machine learning using dedicated algorithms. This also holds true in anomaly detection and there exist many algorithms for detecting anomalies in graphs [30], in sequences and time series [31] and for addressing spatial data [32]. However, these specialized algorithms are not evaluated in this work, which focuses on tabular data.

    从前面几节已经可以推断出,本文主要处理多元表格数据(multivariate tabular data)。不同结构的数据,如图或序列数据,通常在机器学习中使用专用算法进行处理。这在异常检测中也成立,并且存在许多算法用于检测图[30]、序列和时间序列[31]中的异常以及用于寻址空间数据[32]。然而,这些专门的算法在这项工作中没有得到评估,这项工作侧重于表格数据。

    Not many comparative studies on unsupervised anomaly detection do exist today. On the one hand, authors of newly proposed algorithms compare their results with state-of-the-art techniques, for example LOF and k-NN, but often datasets are not published and the evaluation lacks in some other evaluation criteria (local vs. global or parameter k). On the other hand, some studies have been published referring to a specific application scenario, often with a single dataset only. Lazarevic et al. [33] compared LOF, k-NN, PCA and unsupervised SVM for intrusion detection using the KDD-Cup99 dataset. A similar study by Eskin et al. [34] evaluates clustering, k-NN as well as a one-class SVM on the same dataset. A broader study using six different methods for unsupervised anomaly detection was performed by NASA [14] for detecting engine failures of space shuttles. Unfortunately, the dataset is not available and the algorithms used are besides GMM and one-class SVMs four commercially available software systems. Auslander et al. [35] applied k-NN, LOF and clustering on maritime video surveillance data. Ding et al. [36] studied SVDD, a k-NN classifier, k-means and a GMM for detecting anomalies in ten different datasets. Although the authors claim to evaluate unsupervised techniques, the use of a training phase indicates a semi-supervised setup to our understanding. Carrasquilla [37] published a study on comparing different anomaly detection algorithms based on 10 different datasets. Unfortunately, only one unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm was applied, whereas its results were compared to other supervised anomaly detection algorithms. Some of the datasets used in this study are also used as a basis in our evaluation, but with an appropriate preprocessing. All related work concerning the particular algorithms used in this study can be found in the next section.


    Lazarevic等[33]比较了使用KDD-Cup99数据集的LOF,k-NN,PCA和无监督SVM进行入侵检测。 Eskin等人的类似研究[34]在同一数据集上评估聚类,k-NN和一类SVM。 NASA[14]使用六种不同方法对无监督异常进行了更广泛的研究,以检测航天飞机的发动机故障。不幸的是,该数据集不可用,并且所使用的算法除了GMM和一类SVM以外,还有四种可商购的软件系统。 Auslander等[35]在海上视频监视数据上应用了k-NN,LOF和聚类。Ding等[36]研究了SVDD,k-NN分类器,k-means和GMM,用于检测十个不同数据集中的异常。尽管作者声称要评估无监督技术,但训练阶段的使用表明我们了解的是半监督设置。Carrasquilla[37]发表了一项研究,该研究基于10个不同的数据集比较了不同的异常检测算法。不幸的是,仅应用了一种无监督异常检测算法,而将其结果与其他有监督异常检测算法进行了比较。本研究中使用的一些数据集也被用作我们评估的基础,但经过适当的预处理。下一部分将找到与本研究中使用的特定算法有关的所有相关工作。

    Besides studies evaluating a single algorithm only, outlier ensembles [38, 39] is a technique of combining multiple unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms in order to boost their joint anomaly detection performance. Since unsupervised anomaly detection does not rely on labeled data, this task is very challenging and often restricted to simple combinations. In this article we do not evaluate ensembles, although the results reported here might serve as a selection criteria for these algorithms in this currently evolving new research field.

    除了只评估单个算法的研究之外,离群点集成(outlier ensembles)[38,39]是一种组合多个无监督异常检测算法的技术,以提高它们的联合异常检测性能。由于无监督的异常检测不依赖于标记数据,因此这项任务非常具有挑战性,并且通常仅限于简单的组合。在这篇文章中,我们不评估集成,尽管这里报告的结果可以作为这些算法在这个目前正在发展的新研究领域的选择标准。

    Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms

    Unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms can be roughly categorized into the following main groups [15] as illustrated in Fig 3: (1) Nearest-neighbor based techniques, (2) Clusteringbased methods and (3) Statistical algorithms. Recently, also a new group is emerging based on (4) Subspace techniques. In this work, we cover all of these categories with a focus on nearestneighbor and clustering-based anomaly detection, the by far most used categories in practice.


    Furthermore, other algorithms exist, which are not direct members of these categories, often based on available classification algorithms such as neural networks [25] or support vector machines [40]. It is not an easy task to select a proper subset for this work keeping in mind that dozens of different algorithms have been proposed. However, our selection is based on practical applications in the past and attention in the scientific community. Since one goal of this work is also to standardize datasets, we also welcome other researchers to compare their proposed methods with the results presented here. In this section, we shortly introduce the algorithms and their main ideas, but due to the high number of algorithms, the interested reader is referred to the authors original publication for more details.

    此外,还存在其他算法,它们不是这些类别的直接成员,通常基于可用的分类算法,如神经网络[25]或支持向量机[40]。考虑到已经提出了几十种不同的算法,为这项工作选择一个合适的子集并不是一件容易的事情。然而,我们的选择是基于过去的实际应用和科学界的关注。由于这项工作的一个目标也是标准化数据集,我们也欢迎其他研究人员将他们提出的方法与这里给出的结果进行比较。在这一节中,我们将简要介绍算法及其主要思想,但由于算法数量众多,感兴趣的读者可以参考作者的原始出版物了解更多详细信息。 图3。无监督异常检测算法的分类,包括四个主要组。请注意,CMGOS可以分为两组:它是一种基于聚类的算法,以及估计每个聚类的子空间。

    k-NN Global Anomaly Detection

    The k-nearest-neighbor global unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm is a straightforward way for detecting anomalies and not to be confused with k-nearest neighbor classification. As the name already implies, it focuses on global anomalies and is not able to detect local anomalies. First, for every record in the dataset, the k-nearest-neighbors have to be found. Then, an anomaly score is computed using these neighbors, whereas two possibilities have been proposed: Either the distance to the kth-nearest-neighbor is used (a single one) [41] or the average distance to all of the k-nearest-neighbors [42] is computed. In the following, we refer to the first method as kth-NN and the latter as k-NN. In practical applications, the k-NN method is often preferred [13, 19]. However, the absolute value of the score depends very much on the dataset itself, the number of dimensions, and on normalization. As a result, it is in practice not easy to select an appropriate threshold, if required.


    The choice of the parameter k is of course important for the results. If it is chosen too low, the density estimation for the records might be not reliable. On the other hand, if it is too large, density estimation may be too coarse. As a rule of thumb, k should be in the range 10 < k < 50. In classification, it is possible to determine a suitable k, for example by using cross-validation. Unfortunately, there is no such technique in unsupervised anomaly detection due to missing labels. For that reason, we use later in the evaluation many different values for k and average in order to get a fair evaluation when comparing algorithms.

    参数k的选择对结果很重要。如果选择得太低,记录的密度估计可能不可靠。另一方面,如果太大,密度估计可能太粗糙。根据经验,k应该在10 < k < 50的范围内。在分类中,有可能确定一个合适的k,例如通过使用交叉验证。不幸的是,由于缺少标签,在无监督的异常检测中没有这样的技术。出于这个原因,我们在后面的评估中使用许多不同的k值和平均值,以便在比较算法时得到一个公平的评估。

    In Fig 4 we exemplary illustrate how the result of an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm (here: k-NN with k = 10) can be visualized. The plot was generated using a simple, artificially generated two-dimensional dataset with four Gaussian clusters and uniformly sampled anomalies. After applying the global k-NN, the outlier scores are visualized by the bubble-size of the corresponding instance. The color indicates the label, whereas anomalies are red. It can be seen, that k-NN cannot detect the anomalies close to the clusters well and assign small scores.

    在图4中,我们示例性地说明了无监督异常检测算法(这里:k = 10的k-NN)的结果是如何可视化的。该图是使用简单的人工生成的二维数据集生成的,该数据集具有四个高斯聚类和均匀采样的异常。在应用全局k-NN之后,离群值分数通过相应实例的气泡大小来可视化。颜色表示标签,异常为红色。可以看出,k-NN不能很好地检测出接近聚类的异常,并分配较小的分数。 图4。k-NN全局异常检测算法结果的可视化。异常分数由气泡大小表示,而颜色显示人工生成数据集的标签。

    Local Outlier Factor (LOF)

    The local outlier factor [43] is the most well-known local anomaly detection algorithm and also introduced the idea of local anomalies first. Today, its idea is carried out in many nearestneighbor based algorithms, such as in the ones described below. To calculate the LOF score, three steps have to be computed:

    局部异常因子(local outlier factor,LOF)[43]是最著名的局部异常检测算法,也是最先引入局部异常的思想。今天,它的思想在许多基于最近邻的算法中得到了实现,例如下面描述的那些算法。要计算LOF分数,必须计算三个步骤:

    The k-nearest-neighbors have to be found for each record x. In case of distance tie of the kth neighbor, more than k neighbors are used.


    Using these k-nearest-neighbors Nk, the local density for a record is estimated by computing the local reachability density (LRD):

    使用这些k近邻Nk,通过计算本地可达性密度(LRD)来估计记录的本地密度: whereas dk(·) is the reachability distance. Except for some very rare situations in highly dense clusters, this is the Euclidean distance. 其中, d k ( ⋅ ) d_k(·) dk() 是可达性距离。除了一些在高密度聚类/簇中非常罕见的情况,这就是欧氏距离。

    Finally, the LOF score is computed by comparing the LRD of a record with the LRDs of its k neighbors:

    最后,通过比较一个记录的LRD与其k个邻居的LRDs来计算LOF分数: The LOF score is thus basically a ratio of local densities. This results in the nice property of LOF, that normal instances, which densities are as big as the densities of their neighbors, get a score of about 1.0. Anomalies, which have a low local density, will result in larger scores. At this point it is also clear why this algorithm is local: It only relies on its direct neighborhood and the score is a ratio mainly based on the k neighbors only. Of course, global anomalies can also be detected since they also have a low LRD when comparing with their neighbors. It is important to note that in anomaly detection tasks, where local anomalies are not of interest, this algorithm will generate a lot of false alarms as we found out during our evaluation . Again, the setting of k is crucial for this algorithm. Besides trying out different values for k, the authors of the algorithm suggested to use an ensemble strategy for computing the LOF [43]. Here, scores for different k’s up to an upper bound are computed and then, the maximum of these scores is taken. Besides computing the LOF score for a single k, w e also take this strategy into account in our evaluation, referring to it as LOF-UB (upper bound). For comparison reasons, we also use different upper bounds and average the results again.

    因此,LOF分数基本上是当地人口密度的比率。这导致了LOF的优良特性,正常情况下,密度与邻居的密度一样大,得到的分数约为1.0。局部密度低的异常将导致较大的分数。在这一点上,也很清楚为什么这个算法是局部的:它只依赖于它的直接邻域,分数是一个主要基于k个邻域的比率。当然,全局异常也可以被检测到,因为与它们的邻居相比,它们也具有较低的LRD。值得注意的是,在异常检测任务中,如果对局部异常不感兴趣,该算法将会产生大量的错误警报,正如我们在评估过程中发现的那样。同样,k的设置对该算法至关重要。除了尝试不同的k值,该算法的作者建议使用一种集成策略来计算LOF [43]。这里,计算不同k的分数,直到一个上限,然后取这些分数的最大值。除了计算单个k的LOF分数,我们在评估中也考虑了这个策略,称之为LOF-UB(上限)。出于比较的原因,我们也使用不同的上限,并再次对结果进行平均。

    Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF)

    The connectivity-based outlier factor [44] is similar to LOF, but the density estimation for the records is performed differently. In LOF, the k-nearest-neighbors are selected based on the Euclidean distance. This indirectly assumes, that the data is distributed in a spherical way around the instance. If this assumption is violated, for example if features have a direct linear correlation, the density estimation is incorrect. COF wants to compensate this shortcoming and estimates the local density of the neighborhood using an shortest-path approach, called the chaining distance. Mathematically, this chaining distance is the minimum of the sum of all distances connecting all k neighbors and the instance. For simple examples, where features are obviously correlated, this density estimation approach performs much more accurate [29]. Fig 5 shows the outcome for LOF and COF in direct comparison for a simple two-dimensional dataset, where the attributes have a linear dependency. It can be seen that the spherical density estimation of LOF cannot detect the outlier, but COF succeeded by connecting the normal records with each other for estimating the local density.

    基于连通性的异常因子[44]与LOF相似,但记录的密度估计执行方式不同。在LOF,基于欧几里得距离选择k近邻。这间接假设了数据以球形方式分布在实例周围。如果违反了这一假设,例如,如果特征具有直接的线性相关性,则密度估计是不正确的。COF想弥补这一缺陷,他使用最短路径法(称为链接距离)来估计邻域的局部密度。数学上,这个链接距离是连接所有k个邻居和实例的所有距离之和的最小值。对于特征明显相关的简单例子,这种密度估计方法执行得更精确[29]。图5显示了LOF和COF在一个简单的二维数据集的直接比较中的结果,其中属性具有线性相关性。可以看出,LOF的球形密度估计不能检测异常值,但COF成功地将正常记录相互连接起来以估计局部密度。 图5。使用两个属性线性相关的简单数据集比较COF(上图)和LOF(下图)。可以看出,LOF的球形密度估计未能识别异常,而COF检测到非线性异常(k = 4)

    Influenced Outlierness (INFLO)

    When a dataset contains clusters with different densities and they are close to each other, it can be shown that LOF fails scoring the instances at the borders of the clusters correctly. The influenced outlierness (INFLO) [45] algorithm uses besides the k-nearest-neighbors additionally a reverse nearest neighborhood set, in which records are stored for with the current record is a neighbor. For computing the INFLO score, both neighborhood sets are combined. Then, the local density of this set and the score is computed the same way as for LOF. This procedure is illustrated in Fig 6, where for the red instance the 6-nearest-neighbors reside in the gray area. This red instance will clearly be detected as an anomaly by LOF, since five of its neighbors have a much higher local density. For INFLO, also the instances are taken into account for which the red instance is a neighbor (the blue instances). Using this extended set, the red instance is less likely to be detected as an anomaly by INFLO. Please note, that the set of k-nearest-neighbors typically contains k instances (with the exception of ties), whereas the reverse nearest neighborhood set may contain any amount. Depending on the data, it might contain no instance, exactly k or even more instances. When using this strategy, it is possible to compute more accurate anomaly scores when clusters of different densities are close to each other.

    当数据集包含具有不同密度的聚类并且它们彼此接近时,可以看出LOF未能对聚类边界处的实例进行正确评分。受影响的异常值(INFLO)[45]算法除了k最近邻之外,还使用了一个反向最近邻集,其中存储了与当前记录相邻的记录。为了计算INFLO分数,两个邻域集被合并。然后,以与LOF相同的方式计算该集合的局部密度和分数。这个过程如图6所示,对于红色实例,6个最近邻居位于灰色区域。这个红色的实例显然会被LOF探测到,因为它的五个邻居有更高的本地密度。对于INFLO,红色实例是其邻居的实例(蓝色实例)也被考虑在内。使用这个扩展集,红色实例不太可能被INFLO检测为异常。请注意,k近邻集合通常包含k个实例(关系除外),而反向近邻集合可以包含任何数量。根据数据,它可能不包含任何实例,确切地说是k个,甚至更多的实例。当使用这种策略时,当不同密度的聚类彼此接近时,可以计算更精确的异常分数。 图6。对比LOF和INLOF,可以看出反向邻域集的有用性。对于红色的例子,LOF只考虑灰色区域中的邻居,导致异常得分较高。此外,还考虑了蓝色实例(反向邻居),因此红色实例得分更正常。

    Local Outlier Probability (LoOP)

    Until now, all presented algorithms output anomaly scores, which are more handy than binary labels. When comparing the global k-NN algorithm and LOF, the property of having a reference point for normal instances of LOF seems even better than the arbitrary score of k-NN. Unfortunately, it is still not clear in LOF, above which score threshold we can clearly think about an anomaly. The local outlier probability (LoOP) [46] tries to address this issue by outputting an anomaly probability instead of a score, which might also result in better comparison of anomalous records between different datasets.

    到目前为止,所有提出的算法都输出异常分数,比二进制标签更方便。当比较全局k-NN算法和LOF时,LOF的正常实例具有参考点的特性似乎比k-NN的任意分数更好。不幸的是,在LOF仍然不清楚,在哪个分数阈值以上,我们可以清楚地想到一个异常。局部异常概率(LoOP) [46]试图通过输出异常概率而不是分数来解决这个问题,这也可能导致不同数据集之间异常记录的更好比较。

    Similar to the previous local algorithms, LoOP also uses a neighborhood set for local density estimation. In contrast to other algorithms, it computes this density differently: The basic assumption is that the distances to the nearest neighbors follow a Gaussian distribution. Since distances are always positive, LoOP assumes a “half-Gaussian” distribution and uses its standard deviation, called the probabilistic set distance. It is used (similar to LOF) as a local density estimation—the ratios of each instance compared to its neighbors results in a local anomaly detection score. For converting this score into a probability, a normalization and a Gaussian error function is applied finally. The idea of having a probabilistic output instead of a score is very useful. However, some critical thoughts should arise in this context [29]. For example, if the algorithm assigns a 100% probability to an instance, what would happen, if we add another instance to the dataset which is more anomalous then that? As we can see from this simple example, probabilities are still relative to the data and might not differ too much from a normalized score.

    与以前的局部算法类似,LoOP也使用邻域集进行局部密度估计。与其他算法相比,它计算密度的方式不同:基本假设是到最近邻居的距离遵循高斯分布。由于距离总是正的,LoOP假设一个“半高斯”分布,并使用其标准差,称为概率集距离(probabilistic set distance)。它被用作(类似于LOF)局部密度估计——每个实例与其邻居的比率导致局部异常检测得分。为了将该分数转换成概率,最后应用归一化和高斯误差函数。用概率输出代替分数的想法非常有用。然而,在这种背景下应该会产生一些批判性的想法[29]。例如,如果算法将100%的概率分配给一个实例,如果我们将另一个实例添加到比这更异常的数据集,会发生什么?从这个简单的例子中我们可以看出,概率仍然是相对于数据的,可能与标准化分数没有太大差异。

    Local Correlation Integral (LOCI)

    For all of the above algorithms, choosing k is a crucial decision for detection performance. As already mentioned, there is no way of estimating a good k based on the data. Nevertheless, the local correlation integral (LOCI) [47] algorithm addresses this issue by using a maximization approach. The basic idea is that all possible values of k are used for each record and finally the maximum score is taken. To achieve this goal, LOCI defines the r-neighborhood by using a radius r, which is expanded over time. Similar to LoOP, the local density is also estimated by using a half-Gaussian distribution, but here the amount of records in the neighborhood is used instead of the distances. Also, the local density estimation is different in LOCI: It compares two different sized neighborhoods instead of the ratio of the local densities. A parameter α controls the ratio of the different neighborhoods. Removing the critical parameter k comes at a price. Typically, nearest-neighbor based anomaly detection algorithms have computational complexity of O(n2) for finding the nearest neighbors. Since in LOCI additionally the radius r needs to be expanded from one instance to the furthest, the complexity increases to O(n3), which makes LOCI too slow for larger datasets.

    对于上述所有算法,选择k是检测性能的关键决定。如前所述,没有办法根据数据估算出一个好的k值。然而,局部相关积分(LOCI) [47]算法通过使用最大化方法解决了这个问题。基本思想是对每条记录使用所有可能的k值,最后取最高分。为了实现这个目标,LOCI通过使用半径r来定义r-邻域,半径r随时间扩展。与LoOP类似,局部密度也是通过使用半高斯分布来估计的,但这里使用的是邻域中的记录数量,而不是距离。此外,局部密度估计在LOCI中是不同的:它比较两个不同大小的邻域,而不是局部密度的比率。参数α控制不同邻域的比率。去掉关键参数k是有代价的。通常,基于最近邻的异常检测算法在寻找最近邻时的计算复杂度为O(N2)。因为在LOCI中,半径r需要从一个实例扩展到最大,复杂性增加到O(n3),这使得LOCI对于更大的数据集来说太慢。

    Approximate Local Correlation Integral (aLOCI)

    The authors of LOCI were aware of the long runtime and proposed aLOCI [48], a faster but approximate version of LOCI. aLOCI uses quad trees to speed up the counting of the two neighborhoods using some constraints for α. If a record is in the center of a cell of such a quad tree, the counting estimation is good, but if it is at the border, the approximation might be bad. For that reason, multiple (g) quad trees are constructed with the hope, that there is a good approximative tree for every instance. Furthermore, the tree depth (L) needs to be specified. The authors claim that the total complexity of their algorithm, comprising of tree creation and scoring, is O (NLdg + NL(dg + 2d)), whereas d is the number of dimensions. As typical for tree approaches, it can be seen that the number of dimensions has a very negative impact on the runtime. During our evaluation, we experienced very different results from aLOCI. Sometimes results seem reasonable and sometimes results showed a very poor anomaly detection performance. This observation was tracked down the tree creation process. For a perfect estimation, N trees are required. Since the trick of this algorithm is to use only g trees, this also turned out to be a weak point: If, by chance, the trees represented the normal instances well, many approximations were correct and thus the output of the algorithm. On the other hand, if the trees did not well represent the majority of the data, the anomaly detection performance was unacceptable.

    LOCI的作者意识到运行时间长,并提出了LOCI [48],LOCI的一个更快但近似的版本。aLOCI使用四叉树来加速两个邻域的计数,对α使用一些约束。如果一个记录在这样一个四叉树的一个单元的中心,计数估计是好的,但是如果它在边界,近似可能是坏的。因为这个原因,多重(g)四叉树被构建,希望每个实例都有一个好的近似树。此外,需要指定树深度(L)。作者声称,他们的算法的总复杂性,包括树的创建和评分,是 O ( N L d g + N L ( d g + 2 d ) ) O (NLdg + NL(dg + 2^d)) O(NLdg+NL(dg+2d)),而 d d d 是维数。对于典型的树方法,可以看出维数对运行时有非常负面的影响。在我们的评估过程中,我们经历了与aLOCI截然不同的结果。有时结果似乎合理,有时结果显示异常检测性能非常差。这一观察被追溯到树的创建过程。为了进行完美的估计,需要 N N N 棵树。由于这种算法的诀窍是只使用 g g g 树,这也是一个弱点:如果碰巧树很好地代表了正常情况,许多近似是正确的,因此算法的输出。另一方面,如果树不能很好地代表大部分数据,异常检测性能是不可接受的。

    Cluster-Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF/ uCBLOF)

    All previous anomaly detection algorithms are based on density estimation using nearestneighbors. In contrast, the cluster-based local outlier factor (CBLOF) [49] uses clustering in order to determine dense areas in the data and performs a density estimation for each cluster afterwards. In theory, every clustering algorithm can be used to cluster the data in a first step. However, in practice k-means is commonly used to take advantage of the low computational complexity, which is linear compared to the quadratic complexity of the nearest-neighbor search.After clustering, CBLOF uses a heuristic to classify the resulting clusters into large and small clusters. Finally, an anomaly score is computed by the distance of each instance to its cluster center multiplied by the instances belonging to its cluster. For small clusters, the distance to the closest large cluster is used. The procedure of using the amount of cluster members as a scaling factor should estimate the local density of the clusters as stated by the authors. We showed in previous work that this assumption is not true [50] and might even result in a incorrect density estimation. Therefore, we additionally evaluate a modified version of CBLOF which simply neglects the weighting, referred to as unweighted-CBLOF (uCBLOF) in the following. The results of uCBLOF using a simple two-dimensional dataset are visualized in Fig 7, where the color corresponds to the clustering result of the preceding k-means clustering algorithm. Similar to the nearest-neighbor based algorithms, the number of initial clusters k is also a critical parameter. Here, we follow the same strategy as for the nearest-neighbor based algorithms and evaluate many different k values. Furthermore, k-means clustering is a non-deterministic algorithm and thus the resulting anomaly scores can be different on multiple runs.To this end we follow a common strategy, which is to apply k-means many times on the data and pick the most stable result. However, clustering-based anomaly detection algorithms are very sensitive to the parameter k, since adding just a single additional centroid might lead to a very different outcome.

    所有以前的异常检测算法都是基于使用最近邻的密度估计。相比之下,基于聚类的局部离群因子(cluster-based local outlier factor,CBLOF) [49]使用聚类来确定数据中的密集区域,然后为每个聚类执行密度估计。理论上,每种聚类算法都可以用来在第一步对数据进行聚类。然而,在实践中,k-means通常用于利用低计算复杂度,这与最近邻搜索的二次复杂度相比是线性的。聚类后,CBLOF使用启发式算法将生成的聚类分为大聚类和小聚类。最后,通过每个实例到其聚类/簇中心的距离乘以属于其聚类/簇的实例来计算异常分数。对于小簇,使用到最近的大簇的距离。使用聚类/簇成员数量作为比例因子的过程应该如作者所述估计聚类/簇的局部密度。我们在以前的工作中表明,这个假设是不正确的[50],甚至可能导致不正确的密度估计。因此,我们还评估了一个简单忽略权重的CBLOF的修改版本,在下文中称为未加权CBLOF (uCBLOF)。使用简单二维数据集的uCBLOF的结果在图7中可视化,其中颜色对应于前述k-均值聚类算法的聚类结果。类似于基于最近邻的算法,初始聚类数k也是一个关键参数。这里,我们遵循与基于最近邻的算法相同的策略,并评估许多不同的k值。此外,k-means聚类是一种非确定性算法,因此在多次运行中得到的异常分数可能不同。为此,我们遵循一个共同的策略,即在数据上多次应用k-means并选择最稳定的结果。然而,基于聚类的异常检测算法对参数k非常敏感,因为只增加一个质心可能会导致非常不同的结果。 图7。uCBLOF算法结果的可视化。异常分数由气泡大小表示,而颜色对应于前面k均值聚类算法的聚类结果。使用uCBLOF显然无法检测到局部异常。

    Local Density Cluster-based Outlier Factor (LDCOF)

    As already pointed out, the local density estimation of CBLOF using only the amount of cluster members is controversial. Our extension uCBLOF is in fact not a local anomaly detection method any more since the density of the cluster is completely neglected. The local density cluster-based outlier factor LDCOF [50] addresses this shortcoming by estimating the clusters’ densities assuming a spherical distribution of the cluster members. Similar to CBLOF, k-means clustering is performed first as well as the following procedure of separating the clusters into small and large clusters. Then, for each cluster, the average distance of all cluster members to the centroid is calculated. Finally, the LDCOF score is computed by dividing the distance of an instance to its cluster center by the average distance. The result of this procedure is that the LDCOF score is a local score with respect to the possibly varying cluster densities. One advantage of LDCOF is also that the score has some relative reference point, similar to LOF: A score of 1.0 or below will be assigned to normal instances.

    如前所述,仅使用聚类成员数量的局部密度估计是有争议的。我们的扩展uCBLOF实际上不再是一种局部异常检测方法,因为聚类/簇的密度被完全忽略了。基于局部密度聚类的离群因子LDCOF(local density cluster-based outlier factor)[50]通过假设聚类成员的球形分布来估计聚类的密度,从而解决了这个缺点。与CBLOF类似,首先执行k-means聚类,以及随后将聚类分成大小两个聚类的过程。然后,对于每个聚类,计算所有聚类成员到质心的平均距离。最后,通过将实例到其聚类/簇中心的距离除以平均距离来计算LDCOF分数。这个过程的结果是LDCOF分数是关于可能变化的聚类密度的局部分数。LDCOF的一个优点是分数有一些相对参考点,类似于LOF:1.0或更低的分数将被分配给正常情况。

    Clustering-based Multivariate Gaussian Outlier Score (CMGOS)

    The clustering-based multivariate Gaussian outlier score is another enhancement of clusterbased anomaly detection [29]. In CMGOS, the local density estimation is performed by estimating a multivariate Gaussian model, whereas the Mahalanobis distance [51] serves as a basis for computing the anomaly score. As in the previously introduced algorithms, a k-means clustering and the separation into small and large clusters is performed first. Then, for each cluster, the covariance matrix ∑ \sum is computed robustly. Finally, the CMGOS score is computed by dividing the Mahalanobis distance of an instance to its nearest cluster center by the chi-squared distribution with a certain confidence interval. The latter serves again as a normalization step such that outlier scores of 1.0 or below indicate a high probability of the instance to be normal. Due to the nature of the Mahalanobis distance, scores of outliers increase quickly, such that in practical applications extraordinary large scores can be observed (compared to other methods). For the estimation of the covariance matrix, robustness to outliers is essential since outliers are known to have a significant impact on the variance. In total, three different estimation methods are proposed: (1) Reduction. Here, the covariance is computed twice. After a first iteration, outliers are removed and covariance is computed again. This procedure is similar to the wellknown univariate Grubb’s Test [1]. (2) Regularization. This approach follows an idea from classification [52], where the covariance matrix is a weighted sum of the covariance matrix of the cluster and the global covariance matrix. (3) Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) [53]. This compute intense approach follows the idea to estimate a compact covariance matrix by a brute-force search for normal records, which is done by minimizing the determinant. Our evaluation is based on an approximative alternative [54], since the brute-force search is not suitable for large datasets. We refer in our evaluation to the methods as CMGOS-Red, CMGOS-Reg and CMGOS-MCD, respectively.

    基于聚类的多元高斯异常值分数是基于聚类的异常检测的另一个增强[29]。在CMGOS中,通过估计多变量高斯模型来执行局部密度估计,而马氏距离[51]用作计算异常分数的基础。与前面介绍的算法一样,首先执行k-means聚类和分成大小聚类。然后,对于每个聚类,鲁棒地计算协方差矩阵 ∑ \sum 。最后,通过将实例到其最近的聚类中心的马氏距离除以具有一定置信区间的卡方分布来计算CMGOS分数。后者再次作为标准化步骤,使得异常值得分为1.0或更低表示该实例正常的概率很高。由于马哈拉诺比斯距离的性质,异常值的分数快速增加,使得在实际应用中可以观察到非常大的分数(与其他方法相比)。对于协方差矩阵的估计,对异常值的鲁棒性是至关重要的,因为已知异常值对方差有显著影响。总共提出了三种不同的估计方法:(1)归约(Reduction)。这里,协方差被计算两次。在第一次迭代之后,离群值被去除,协方差被再次计算。该程序类似于众所周知的单变量格拉布检验(Grubb’s Test)[1]。(2)正则化。这种方法遵循分类[52]的思想,其中协方差矩阵是聚类的协方差矩阵和全局协方差矩阵的加权和。(3)最小协方差行列式(MCD) [53]。这种计算密集的方法遵循这样的思想,即通过对正常记录的强力搜索来估计紧凑的协方差矩阵,这是通过最小化行列式来完成的。我们的评估是基于一个近似的选择[54],因为蛮力搜索不适合大数据集。在我们的评估中,我们分别将这些方法称为CMGOS-Red、CMGOS-Reg和CMGOS-MCD。

    Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS)

    The histogram-based outlier score [55] is a simple statistical anomaly detection algorithm assuming independence of the features. The basic idea is, that for each feature of the dataset, a histogram is created. Then, for each instance in the dataset, the inverse height of the bins it resides (representing the density estimation) of all features are multiplied. The idea is very similar to the Naive Bayes algorithm in classification, were all independent feature probabilities are multiplied. The idea of using histograms for fast semi-supervised anomaly detection is also very popular in intrusion detection, were a histogram of normal data is learned [56]. On the first sight, it might seem a bit contra-productive to neglect the dependencies among features. However, this comes with a big advantage, which is processing speed. HBOS can process a dataset under a minute, whereas nearest-neighbor based computations take over 23 hours [29]. As a further remark, the drawback of assuming feature independence becomes less severe when a dataset has a high number of dimensions due to a larger sparsity. As a critical parameter, the number of bins k needs to be defined. Furthermore, HBOS allows two different histogram creation modes: (1) Static bin sizes with a fixed bin width and (2) dynamic bins such that the number of bins is approximately the same. The latter results in a histogram with different bin widths, but it can still be used for density estimation using the area of a bin. The advantage of the second histogram creation technique is, that the density estimation is more robust in case of having large outlying values. In our evaluation, we use this second “dynamic bin width” mode as well as different settings for k.


    One-Class Support Vector Machine

    One-class support vector machines [24] are often used for semi-supervised anomaly detection [15]. In this setting, a one-class SVM is trained on anomaly-free data and later, the SVM classifies anomalies and normal data in the test set. One-class SVMs intend to separate the origin from the data instances in the kernel space, which results in some kind of complex hulls describing the normal data in the feature space. Although one-class SVMs are heavily used as a semi-supervised anomaly detection method, it is an unsupervised algorithm by design when using a soft-margin. In particular, it has been shown that they converge to the true density level set [57]. In the unsupervised anomaly detection scenario, the one-class SVM is trained using the dataset and afterwards, each instance in the dataset is scored by a normalized distance to the determined decision boundary [40]. The parameter ν needs to be set to a value lager than zero such that the contained anomalies are correctly handled by a soft-margin. Additionally, one-class SVMs have been modified such that they include further robust techniques for explicitly dealing with outliers during training [40]. The basic idea is that anomalies contribute less to the decision boundary as normal instances. Two different techniques were developed, whereas the η one-class SVM showed superior results. In this enhancement, η is a further optimization objective during training, which estimates the normality of an instance. In our evaluation we are using both unsupervised algorithms, the regular one-class SVM as well as the extended η one-class SVM.

    一类支持向量机[24]通常用于半监督异常检测[15]。在这种情况下,一个一类SVM是在无异常数据的基础上训练的,然后,SVM在测试集中对异常和正常数据进行分类。一类支持向量机旨在从内核空间的数据实例中分离出原点,这导致了某种复杂的外壳(hulls)来描述特征空间中的正常数据。虽然一类支持向量机被大量用作半监督异常检测方法,但是当使用软边界时,它是一种无监督算法。特别是,已经表明它们收敛到真正的密度水平集(density level set)[57]。在无监督异常检测场景中,使用数据集训练一类SVM,然后,通过到确定的决策边界的归一化距离对数据集中的每个实例进行评分[40]。需要将参数ν设置为大于零的值,以便通过软余量来正确处理包含的异常。此外,一类支持向量机已被修改,以便它们包括进一步的稳健技术,用于在训练期间明确处理异常值[40]。基本思想是异常对决策边界的贡献比正常情况要小。开发了两种不同的技术,而η一类SVM显示出优越的结果。在该增强中,η是训练期间的进一步优化目标,其估计实例的正态性。在我们的评估中,我们使用了无监督算法,常规的一类SVM算法和扩展的η一类SVM算法。

    Robust Principal Component Analysis (rPCA)

    Principal component analysis is a commonly used technique for detecting subspaces in datasets. It also may serve an an anomaly detection technique, such that deviations from the normal subspaces may indicate anomalous instances. The principal components are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix and thus their computation shares the same difficulties as CMGOS: Anomalies have a big influence on the covariance matrix and density estimation might be incorrect. Almost identical to the reduction technique of CMGOS, a robust version was proposed [58], which also computes the covariance matrix twice based on the Mahalanobis distance. Once the principal components are determined, the question is which components should be used to score anomalous instances. Using the major components show global deviations from the majority of the data whereas using minor components can indicate smaller local deviations. In our evaluation we follow different strategies, namely using all components, using major components only, using minor components only and finally using major and minor components while neglecting the ones in the middle [59]. Please note that there is a strong connection of rPCA and CMGOS-Red: When rPCA takes all components into consideration, the method is basically the same as applying CMGOS with setting k = 1.

    主成分分析是检测数据集中子空间的常用技术。它还可以作为一种异常检测技术,使得偏离正常子空间可以指示异常情况。主成分是协方差矩阵的特征向量,因此它们的计算与CMGOS具有相同的困难:异常对协方差矩阵有很大的影响,并且密度估计可能是不正确的。与CMGOS的约简技术几乎相同,提出了一个健壮的版本[58],它也基于马氏距离计算协方差矩阵两次。一旦确定了主成分,问题是应该使用哪些成分来对异常实例进行评分。使用主要组件显示了与大多数数据的整体偏差,而使用次要组件可以指示较小的局部偏差。在我们的评估中,我们遵循不同的策略,即使用所有组件,仅使用主要组件,仅使用次要组件,最后使用主要和次要组件,而忽略中间的组件[59]。请注意,rPCA和CMGOS-Red有很强的联系:当rPCA考虑所有组件时,方法基本上与应用设置k = 1的CMGOS相同。

    Reviewing Algorithm Complexities and Implementation

    Concerning the nearest-neighbor based algorithms with the exception of LOCI, the computational complexity of finding the nearest-neighbors is O(n2). The remaining computations, for example the density or LOF calculations, can be neglected in practice (less than 1% of runtime). Thus, all of these algorithms perform similar in terms of runtime. In our implementation, we used many optimizations so that the algorithms still perform well on large-scale datasets. In particular, first duplicates are removed from the data and a weight matrix is stored. This procedure might reduce the dataset size and thus save computation time. Memory consumption was reduced by storing only the top-k-neighbors during the search. Additionally, a smart parallelization technique was implemented depending on the number of dimensions. More information about the enhancements can be found in [50]. For LOCI, the computational complexity is O(n3) and the memory complexity is O(n2), which makes the algorithm practically too demanding for real-world applications. aLOCI on the contrary is faster and the runtime depends on the number of quad-trees to be used.


    Concerning the cluster-based methods (except for CMGOS-MCD), the main computational complexity is due to the clustering algorithm, which is typically faster than O(n2) if k-means is applied. In practice, when k-means is run several times in order to get stable clustering result, the runtime advance is reduced but still present. For large-scale datasets and big data, clustering-based methods have thus a performance advance compared to nearest-neighbor based methods. However, CMGOS-MCD is an exception here since the MCD computation is again quadratic for each cluster. Furthermore, as already mentioned, HBOS is even faster than the clustering-based algorithms and a good candidate for near real-time large-scale applications.

    关于基于聚类的方法(除了CMGOS-MCD),主要的计算复杂性是由于聚类算法,它通常比应用k-means的O(n2) 更快。在实践中,当k-means为了得到稳定的聚类结果而多次运行时,运行时间的提前被减少但仍然存在。对于大规模数据集和大数据,与基于最近邻的方法相比,基于聚类的方法具有更高的性能。然而,CMGOS-MCD在这里是一个例外,因为对于每个聚类,MCD计算也是二次的。此外,如前所述,HBOS甚至比基于聚类的算法更快,是近实时大规模应用的良好候选

    The complexity of the one-class SVM based algorithms is hard to determine since it depends on the number of support vectors and thus on the structure of the data. Furthermore, the applied gamma tuning of the SVMs has a huge impact on runtime since its computation has a quadratic complexity. Lastly, the complexity of rPCA is O(d2n + d3) and therefore depends heavily on the number of dimensions. If the number of dimensions is small, the algorithm competes in practice among the fastest algorithms in our trials. The source code of the algorithms and our optimizations are published as an open source plug-in (available at http://git. io/vnD6n) of the RapidMiner [60] data mining software.

    基于一类SVM算法的复杂性很难确定,因为它取决于支持向量的数量,因此取决于数据的结构。此外,应用伽马调整的支持向量机有一个巨大的影响运行时间,因为它的计算有二次复杂性。最后,rPCA的复杂性是O(d2n + d3),因此很大程度上取决于维数。如果维数很小,该算法实际上在我们的试验中竞争最快的算法。算法的源代码和我们的优化是作为一个开源插件发布的(http://git.io/vnD6n)。

    Datasets for Benchmarking

    Although unsupervised anomaly detection does not utilize any label information in practice, they are needed for evaluation and comparison. When new algorithms are proposed, it is common practice that an available public classification dataset is modified and the method is compared with the most known algorithms such as k-NN and LOF. There is a set of typically used datasets for classification, which are retrieved from UCI machine learning repository [61]. The typical preprocessing comprises of selecting one class as the anomalous class and sub-sampling some small amount of instances from that randomly. Unfortunately, the resulting datasets are hardly published and cannot be regenerated by other scientists. Since the number of anomalies is typically very low, a different subset might result in very different detection scores. To this end, we only found three different datasets available online [62, 63]. With this work we want to compensate this shortcoming and present and publish more different meaningful datasets, such that algorithms are better comparable in the future. Please note that some of the datasets have already been introduced previously in the first author’s Ph.D. Thesis [29] We also put a strong emphasis on a semantic background such the evaluation makes sense. This includes the two assumptions that (1) anomalies are rare and (2) are different from the norm. Additionally, we consider only point anomaly detection tasks as meaningful datasets for benchmarking since a different preprocessing might again lead to non-comparable results. For example, the dataset Poker Hand, which was used for evaluation before [37], is not used because the anomalies (special winning card decks) violate the assumption (2). Similarly, the use of the very popular KDD-Cup99 dataset needs special attention, which was originally used for benchmarking intrusion detection classification systems. Many attacks (anomalies) in the dataset define a collective anomaly detection problem and can thus not be used. Since the dataset is so popular, a point anomaly detection task was extracted as stated below.


    If the following, we describe the datasets and our preprocessing in more detail. All modifications have been made publicly available (http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/OPQMVF). A summary about the resulting dataset characteristics is given below in Table 1.


    表1。这10个数据集用于对来自不同应用领域的无监督异常检测算法进行比较评估。涵盖了大范围的大小、维度和异常百分比。它们的难度也不同,涵盖了本地和全局异常检测任务。 Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) The features of the breast-cancer dataset are extracted from medical images of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) describing the cell nuclei [64]. The task of the UCI dataset is to separate cancer from healthy patients. From the 212 malignant instances, we kept the first 10 as anomalies (similar to [46]). This results in a unsupervised anomaly detection dataset containing 367 instances in total and having 2.72% anomalies.


    Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Text (global) This UCI dataset contains the handwritten digits 0–9 of 45 different writers, which we will use twice. Here, in the “global” task, we only keep the digit 8 as the normal class and sample the 10 digits from all of the other classes as anomalies. This results in one big normal cluster and global anomalies sparsely distributed. The resulting pen-global dataset has 16 dimensions and 809 instances including a large amount of anomalies (11.1%).


    Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Text (local) The previous dataset is used again, but now with a different preprocessing. All digits are kept, except for the digit 4. From this class, the first 10 instances are kept (similar to [46]). This results in a local anomaly detection task with clusters of different densities and 10 local anomalies, which we refer to as pen-local.


    Letter Recognition The UCI letter dataset contains originally 16 extracted features from the 26 letters of the English alphabet. This dataset has been preprocessed for unsupervised anomaly Table 1. The 10 datasets used for comparative evaluation of the unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms from different application domains. A broad spectrum of size, dimensionality and anomaly detection and was made publicly available [62]. Three letters have been chosen to form the normal class and anomalies have been sampled from the rest, which should result in a global anomaly detection task. The authors claim that the task is easy and they applied a procedure to make it more challenging: The number of dimensions was doubled to 32 by randomly concatenating normal instances of the three classes to all instances, including anomalies. This results in anomalies to have also some normal features making unsupervised anomaly detection more difficult. The resulting dataset has 1,600 instances including 6.25% anomalies.


    Speech Accent Data The speech dataset was also provided by [62] and contains real world data from recorded English language. The normal class contains data from persons having an American accent whereas the outliers are represented from seven other speakers, having a different accent. The feature vector is the i-vector of the speech segment, which is a state-of-theart feature in speaker recognition [65]. The dataset has 400 dimensions and is thus the task in our evaluation with the largest number of dimensions. It has 3,686 instances including 1.65% anomalies.


    Landsat Satellite The satellite dataset comprises of features extracted from satellite observations. In particular, each image was taken under four different light wavelength, two in visible light (green and red) and two infrared images. The task of the original dataset is to classify the image into the soil category of the observed region. We defined the soil classes “red soil”, “gray soil”, “damp gray soil” and “very damp gray soil” as the normal class. From the semantically different classes “cotton crop” and “soil with vegetation stubble” anomalies are sampled. After merging the original training and test set into a single dataset, the resulting dataset contains 5,025 normal instances as well as 75 randomly sampled anomalies (1.49%) with 36 dimensions.


    Thyroid Disease The thyroid dataset is another dataset from UCI machine learning repository in the medical domain. The raw patient measurements contain categorical attributes as well as missing values such that it was preprocessed in order to apply neural networks [66], also known as the “annthyroid” dataset. We make also use of this preprocessing, resulting in 21 dimensions. Normal instances (healthy non-hypothyroid patients) were taken from the training and test datasets. From the test set, we sampled 250 outliers from the two disease classes (subnormal function and hyperfunction) resulting in a new dataset containing 6,916 records with 3.61% anomalies.


    Statlog Shuttle The shuttle dataset describes radiator positions in a NASA space shuttle with 9 attributes and was designed for supervised anomaly detection. Besides the normal “radiator flow” class, about 20% of the original data describe abnormal situations. To reduce the number of anomalies, we select the class 1 as normal and apply a stratified sampling for the classes 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, similar to [67, 68]. Again, training and test set are combined in a single big dataset, which has as a result 46,464 instances with 1.89% anomalies.


    Object Images (ALOI) The aloi dataset is derived from the “Amsterdam Library of Object Images” collection [63]. The original dataset contains about 110 images of 1000 small objects taken under different light conditions and viewing angles. From the original images, a 27 dimensional feature vector was extracted using HSB color histograms [38]. Some objects were chosen as anomalies and the data was down-sampled such that the resulting dataset contains 50,000 instances including 3.02% anomalies.


    KDD-Cup99 HTTP As mentioned earlier, the kdd99 dataset is often used for unsupervised anomaly detection. Similar to the shuttle dataset, this artificially created dataset was also designed for supervised anomaly detection. It basically contains simulated normal and attack traffic on an IP level in a computer network environment in order to test intrusion detection systems. In the past, the dataset was sometimes used by just sampling randomly from the attacks. Due to the nature of some attacks, for example DDoS, this represents not a point anomaly detection problem. To serve for our unsupervised evaluation purpose best, we decided to use HTTP traffic only (similar to [37]) and also limit DoS traffic from the dataset (similar to [69]). To this end, only 500 instances from these attacks are kept. This ensures that we do not have larger clusters among the anomalies. Furthermore, some of the features were adopted: First, “protocol” and “port” information were removed, since we select HTTP traffic only. The categorical “flags” feature was also removed and the remaining binary categorical features represented as 0 or 1 resulting in a total of 38 dimensions. The large-scale dataset contains finally 620,089 instances with only 0.17% anomalies. To our knowledge, this is the largest dataset in terms of instances used so far for unsupervised anomaly detection.


    Dataset Summary

    All dataset characteristics are summarized in Table 1. With our dataset selection, we cover a broad spectrum of application domains including medical applications, intrusion detection, image and speech recognition as well as the analysis of complex systems. Additionally, the datasets cover a broad range of properties with regard to dataset size, outlier percentage and dimensionality. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive collection of unsupervised anomaly detection datasets for algorithm benchmarking. As already stated, we published the datasets to encourage researchers to compare their proposed algorithms with this work and hope to establish an evaluation standard in the community.


    Comparative Evaluation

    Comparing the anomaly detection performance of unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms is not as straight forward as in the classical supervised classification case. In contrast to simply compare an accuracy value or precision/recall, the order of the anomalies should be taken into account. In classification, a wrongly classified instance is for sure a mistake. This is different in unsupervised anomaly detection. For example, if a large dataset contains ten anomalies and they are ranked among the top-15 outliers, this is still a good result, even if it is not perfect. To this end, a common evaluation strategy for unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms is to rank the results according to the anomaly score and then iteratively apply a threshold from the first to the last rank. This results in N tuple values (true positive rate and false positive rate), which form a single receiver operator characteristic (ROC). Then, the area under the curve (AUC), the integral of the ROC, can be used as a detection performance measure. A nice interpretation of the AUC is also given when following the proof from [70] and transform it into the anomaly detection domain: The AUC is then the probability that an anomaly detection algorithm will assign a randomly chosen normal instance a lower score than a randomly chosen anomalous instance. Hence, we think the AUC is a perfect evaluation method and ideal for comparison. However, the AUC only takes the ranking into account and completely neglects the relative difference of the scores among each other. Other measures can be used to cope with this shortcoming by using more sophisticated rank comparisons. Schubert et al. [38] compares different rank correlation methodologies, for example Spearman’s ρ and Kendall’s τ as an alternative to AUC with a focus on targeting outlier ensembles. A second possible drawback of using AUC might be that it is not ideal for unbalanced class problems and methods like area under precision-recall curve or Matthews correlation coefficient could possibly better emphasize small detection performance changes. Nevertheless, AUC based evaluation has been evolved to be the de facto standard in unsupervised anomaly detection, most likely due to its practical interpretability, and thus also serves as the measure of choice in our evaluation.


    Please note that the AUC, when it is used in a traditional classification task, typically involves a parameter, for example k, to be altered. In unsupervised anomaly detection, the AUC is computed by varying an outlier threshold in the ordered result list. As a consequence, if a parameter has to be evaluated (for example different k), this yields to multiple AUC values. Another important question in this context is how to evaluate k, the critical parameter for most of the nearest-neighbor and clustering-based algorithms. In most publications, researchers often fix k to a predefined setting or choose “a good k” depending on a favorite outcome. We believe that the latter is not a fair evaluation, because it somehow involves using the test data (the labels) for training. In our evaluation, we decided to evaluate many different k’s between 10 and 50 and finally report the averaged AUC as well as the standard deviation. In particular, for every k, the AUC is computed first by varying a threshold among the anomaly scores as described above. Then, the mean and standard deviation for all these AUCs is reported. This procedure basically corresponds to a random-k-picking strategy within the given interval, which is often used in practice when k is chosen arbitrarily. The lower bound of 10 was chosen because of statistical fluctuations occurring below. For the upper bound, we set a value of 50 such that it is still suitable for our smaller datasets. We are aware, that one could argue to increase the upper bound for the larger datasets or even make it smaller for the small datasets like breast-cancer. Fig 8 shows a broader evaluation of the parameter k illustrating that our lower and upper bound is in fact useful.


    Results of the Nearest-neighbor based Algorithms


    Table 2 shows the results of the nearest-neighbor based algorithms. The AUC values are averaged for 10 ≥ k ≥ 50 10\ge k \ge 50 10k50 and the standard deviation is shown. For LOCI, which does not rely on k, only one result is available. As already stated, LOCI is very computationally intensive and could not be computed within a reasonable time for larger datasets. Since aLOCI is not a deterministic algorithm, it was run 20 times and the average result was taken. For both, LOCI and aLOCI, the recommended parameter settings from the authors were used [47]. When comparing aLOCI with the other algorithms, the results are significantly worse: It is often the worst performing algorithm and the high standard deviation of the results additionally shows less stability of the results. Thus, the use of LOCI and aLOCI is at least questionable in practice. In this context, recall that it is not possible on unlabeled data to determine whether a non-deterministic aLOCI outcome is good or not for a practical application. Furthermore, it can be observed from the table that the results of the two k-NN and LOF variants do not differ much and there is no clear winner or recommendation. At least for LOF, this result was not expected, since the authors claimed that the LOF-UB ensemble performs better in general [43].

    表2显示了基于最近邻的算法的结果。AUC值平均为 10 ≥ k ≥ 50 10\ge k \ge 50 10k50,并显示标准偏差。对于不依赖k的LOCI,只有一个结果可用。如前所述,LOCI计算量很大,无法在合理的时间内对较大的数据集进行计算。由于aLOCI不是一个确定性算法,所以它运行了20次,并获得了平均结果。对于LOCI和aLOCI,使用了作者推荐的参数设置[47]。当将aLOCI与其他算法进行比较时,结果明显更差:它通常是性能最差的算法,并且结果的高标准偏差还显示出结果的不稳定性。因此,LOCI和aLOCI的使用至少在实践中是有问题的。在这种情况下,回想一下,在未标记的数据上,不可能确定非确定性aLOCI结果对于实际应用是否良好。此外,从表中可以看出,两个k-NN和LOF变体的结果没有太大差异,也没有明确的获胜者或推荐。至少对LOF来说,这个结果是意料之外的,因为作者声称LOF-UB合奏总体上表现更好[43]。

    Another very important finding from our evaluation can be inferred when comparing the two columns of the pen-global/local datasets. It can be seen that the local anomaly detection algorithms perform much worse on the global anomaly detection task. Also, the same observation could be made on the (global) shuttle and kdd99 dataset. For the latter, Fig 9 illustrates the superiority of k-NN compared to the local algorithms. A final observation is the general poor performance of all algorithms on the high-dimensional speech dataset. An AUC of 0.5 shows that the detection performance is as good as a random guess. When we looked into the results in more detail, we could observe that the performance for very small k values is much better (for almost all algorithms). The k values of 2, 3 and 4 show AUCs of up to 0.78 with a quick drop when k is larger. We suspect that due to the high number of dimensions, the curse of dimensionality leads to poor results for k > 5.

    当比较笔全局/局部数据集的两列时,可以从我们的评估中推断出另一个非常重要的发现。可以看出,局部异常检测算法在全局异常检测任务上表现较差。此外,在(全球)航天飞机和kdd99数据集上也可以进行同样的观察。对于后者,图9说明了k-神经网络相比于局部算法的优越性。最后一个观察是所有算法在高维语音数据集上的总体较差性能。AUC为0.5表明检测性能与随机猜测一样好。当我们更详细地查看结果时,我们可以观察到非常小的k值的性能要好得多(对于几乎所有的算法)。k值为2、3和4时,AUC最高可达0.78,当k值较大时,AUC迅速下降。我们怀疑由于维数高,维数的诅咒导致k > 5的结果差。 表2 .最近邻算法的结果显示了所有10个数据集的AUC和 10 ≤ k ≤ 50 10 \le k \le 50 10k50 的标准偏差。由于计算的复杂性,LOCI无法针对更大的数据集进行计算。

    Results of the Clustering-based Algorithms

    Table 3 summarizes the results for the clustering-based anomaly detection algorithms. For every algorithm, we used the parameter settings as recommended by the authors as a default: The parameters separating into small/large clusters for CBLOF and uCBLOF are α = 95, β = 5, and for LDCOF and CMGOS γ = 0.3. Additionally, for CMGOS the estimated amount of normal instances is pn= 0.975. In order to make the clustering-based algorithm evaluation as comparable as possible, we used the same clustering result for every algorithm. For example, for k = 10 we applied k-means and stored the resulting centroids and cluster belongings. Then, all algorithms use this result as a basis for computing their scores. Since k-means is also a nondeterministic algorithm, we ran it 10 times on the same data and follow a common strategy by picking the most stable clustering result.

    表3总结了基于聚类的异常检测算法的结果。对于每一种算法,我们使用作者推荐的参数设置作为默认值:对于CBLOF和uCBLOF,分成小/大簇的参数是α = 95, β=5, 对于LDCOF和CMGOS,γ = 0.3。此外,对于CMGOS,正常实例的估计数量为pn= 0.975。为了使基于聚类的算法评估尽可能具有可比性,我们对每个算法使用相同的聚类结果。例如,对于k = 10,我们应用了k-means,并存储了结果质心和聚类/簇的所有物。然后,所有算法都使用这个结果作为计算分数的基础。由于k-means也是一个不确定的算法,我们在相同的数据上运行了10次,并遵循一个共同的策略,选择最稳定的聚类结果。

    The results show that CBLOF performs poorly in most cases. Especially on the smaller datasets, the algorithm is even worse than random guessing. Since this behavior is very suspicious, we looked into the results in detail: AUCs from 0.10 to 0.94 occurred, but no correlation to k could be found. Our suspicion concerning the results is again the possible flaw of weighting the scores by number of members in the cluster—especially on small datasets the influence seems disadvantageous. Simply removing the weighting yields to much better results, proven by the results of uCBLOF. Similar to our observation on the nearest-neighbor based algorithms, again local methods tend to perform worse on global anomaly detection tasks. Concerning the different robust estimations of the covariance matrix for CMGOS, two techniques seem to perform well: GMGOS-Red as well as CMGOS-MCD. Due to the much higher computational complexity, we recommend to use CMGOS-Red. The high number of dimensions in the speech dataset causes CMGOS-MCD to not complete within a reasonable amount of time.


    Special attention should be payed on the last row of the table, where the best nearest-neighbor method is listed for comparison. It can be seen that nearest-neighbor based unsupervised anomaly detection performs better in general. However, a much more severe issue is from our point of view the reliability indicated by the corresponding standard deviations. In practice, when the parameter k cannot be determined and needs to be fixed to a certain value, nearestneighbor based algorithms generate much more stable results.

    应特别注意表格的最后一行,其中列出了最佳最近邻法进行比较。可以看出,基于最近邻的无监督异常检测总体上表现更好。然而,从我们的角度来看,一个更严重的问题是由相应的标准差指示的可靠性。在实践中,当参数k无法确定并且需要固定为某个值时,基于最近邻的算法会产生更稳定的结果。 图9。0<k<100的大kdd99数据集的AUC值。很容易看出,对于这种全局异常检测挑战,局部异常检测算法的性能很差。

    表3 .基于聚类算法的结果显示了不同初始k ( 10 ≤ k ≤ 50 10\le k \le 50 10k50)。最后一行显示了与数据集的最佳最近邻方法的比较。

    Results of other Algorithms

    In the remaining, the four algorithms are evaluated which do not belonging to one of the groups above. Table 4 shows the results for the statistical HBOS, the subspace rPCA algorithm as well as the results for the two one-class SVM methods. The evaluation of HBOS is performed similar to the previous algorithms, whereas here k refers to the number of bins used.


    The constraint 10 ≤ k ≤ 50 10 \le k \le 50 10k50 was also used for HBOS. rPCA has no critical parameter k to be evaluated, but as described earlier, a different amount of components can be used. In total, we applied four different strategies: (1) Using all components, (2) Using major components only, (3) Using minor components only and (4) Using major and minor while neglecting the ones in the middle. We found that the results of the four strategies are very similar (for some datasets even identical) and therefore reported the averaged AUC in the table. The parameters ν for the one-class SVM as well as β for the enhanced η one-class SVM were also altered in the range 0.2 ≤ ν ≤ 0.8 0.2 \le ν \le 0.8 0.2ν0.8 and the average AUC was reported. Choosing these parameters seems less critical than choosing a correct k for other algorithms—it seems that a setting of β/ν = 0.5 is a good choice on average. However, the parameter value should not be set too small to avoid an incorrect density estimation. Furthermore, a Gaussian kernel with automatic gamma tuning was used. Tuning this parameter automatically is ideal for unsupervised anomaly detection, but requires an significant amount of computation time.

    约束 10 ≤ k ≤ 50 10 \le k \le 50 10k50 也用于HBOS。rPCA没有要评估的关键参数k,但是如前所述,可以使用不同数量的组件。总之,我们应用了四种不同的策略:(1)使用所有组件,(2)仅使用主要组件,(3)仅使用次要组件,(4)使用主要和次要组件,而忽略中间的组件。我们发现四种策略的结果非常相似(对于一些数据集甚至是相同的),因此在表格中报告了平均AUC。一级SVM的参数ν以及增强型η一级SVM的参数β也在 0.2 ≤ ν ≤ 0.8 0.2 \le ν \le 0.8 0.2ν0.8,并报告平均AUC。选择这些参数似乎没有为其他算法选择正确的k那么重要——β/ν=0.5 的设置似乎是一个不错的选择。但是,参数值不应设置得太小,以免密度估计不正确。此外,使用了具有自动伽马调整的高斯核。自动调整该参数对于无监督的异常检测是理想的,但是需要大量的计算时间。

    The results of the four algorithms are very diverse. For us, the biggest surprise was the good performance of HBOS on the larger (global) datasets. For kdd99, the result is almost perfect while on the thyroid dataset, it outperformed all the other algorithms by far. The other algorithm with a rather simple (linear) model, rPCA, performed average. One exception is the shuttle dataset, where rPCA obtains together with HBOS the best results. One-class SVMs turned out to be not outstanding algorithms and results are average. When comparing the enhanced η one-class SVM with the regular one, the latter seems to perform better.


    表4 .剩余非监督异常检测算法的AUC结果。rPCA采用了四种不同的保存组件策略,而HBOS则改变了不同容器的数量。

    Computation Time Comparison of Algorithms

    If determinable, the theoretical computational complexity of the evaluated algorithms was already discussed. However, in practice, the actual computation times may still be quite different from each other. For this reason, the computation times were measured and are listed in Table 5. Please note that the listed times are measured in seconds for the first nine datasets and in minutes for the last column, the large kdd99 dataset. The time was measured on a single thread basis. For the clustering-based algorithms, the computation time depends strongly on the number of clusters. For that reason, the times for 10 and 50 clusters are listed separately for each algorithm.


    Except for the very demanding LOCI algorithm, it can be seen that the computation for the small datasets is sufficiently fast, such that the choice of an appropriate algorithm should focus on detection performance, not on runtime. On the contrary, for large datasets, computation time differences are significant. For example, for the largest dataset kdd99, the fastest algorithm HBOS took less than 4 seconds, whereas the slowest GMGOS-MCD took more than 6 days.


    In general, it can be observed that nearest-neighbor based algorithms have almost identical runtimes. This is due to the fact, that the nearest-neighbor search is responsible for most of the computation time, whereas the (different) computation of the scores itself has almost no influence. Furthermore, it can be confirmed that the clustering-based algorithms (except for CMGOS-MCD) are faster than the nearest-neighbor based algorithms with the quadratic search complexity. Please keep in mind that the time includes the execution of ten different runs of the underlying k-means algorithm. At this point, we would like to state again, that the use of CMGOS-MCD is not recommended. HBOS is by far the fastest algorithm among all, which is due to its very simple idea of assuming independence of the features. The comparable high runtimes of the SVM based algorithms are mainly based on the automatic gamma tuning, which has a quadratic complexity. For example, for the aloi dataset, the gamma tuning takes about 16 hours, whereas the core SVM training is only 30 seconds for the η one-class SVM and 16 minutes for the regular one-class SVM.


    表5 .比较不同算法的计算时间显示出巨大的差异,尤其是对于较大的数据集。表的单位是前九列的秒和最后一个数据集(kdd99)的分钟。


    A comprehensive evaluation of 19 different unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms on 10 datasets from different application domains has been performed for the first time. The algorithms have been released as an open source extension for the RapidMiner data mining software (available at http://git.io/vnD6n). Additionally, the datasets have been made publicly available (http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/OPQMVF) and therefore a foundation for a fair and standardized comparison for the community was introduced. Besides supporting the unsupervised anomaly detection research community, we also believe that our study and our implementation is useful for researchers from neighboring fields. Now, it is easy to apply the discussed methods on new data. The broad variety of our evaluation datasets might guide for appropriate algorithm selection in new application domains.


    Table 6. Recommendations for algorithm selection. Qualitatively judgments are given from very bad (− −) over average (o) to very good (++). In particular, our findings include that local anomaly detection algorithms, such as LOF, COF, INFLO and LoOP tend to perform poorly on datasets containing global anomalies by generating many false positives. The usage of these algorithms should be avoided if it is known that the task is to detect global anomalies only. On the contrary, global anomaly detection algorithms perform at least average on local problems. This yields in our recommendation to select a global anomaly detection algorithm if there is no further knowledge about the nature of anomalies in the dataset to be analyzed.


    As a general detection performance result, we can conclude that nearest-neighbor based algorithms perform better in most cases when compared to clustering algorithms. Also, the stability concerning a not-perfect choice of k is much higher for the nearest-neighbor based methods. The reason for the higher variance in clustering-based algorithms is very likely due to the non-deterministic nature of the underlying k-means clustering algorithm. Despite of this disadvantage, clustering-based algorithms have a lower computation time. As a conclusion, we recommend to prefer nearest-neighbor based algorithms if computation time is not an issue. If a faster computation is required for large datasets, for example in a near real-time setting, clustering-based anomaly detection might be the method of choice. For small datasets, clusteringbased methods should be avoided.


    Among the nearest-neighbor based methods, the global k-NN algorithm is a good candidate on average. Although LoOP was the best performing nearest-neighbor based algorithm on four datasets, it unfortunately fails significantly one some datasets. Especially for the global anomaly detection problems this algorithm should be totally avoided. Besides our recommendation for k-NN, LOF is also a good candidate if it is previously known that the anomaly detection problem to be solved involves local anomalies.


    Concerning the clustering-based algorithms, the simple uCBLOF algorithm also shows on average good performance for all datasets, illustrating that a more sophisticated and compute intense density estimation is not necessarily required. In terms of computational complexity, clustering-based algorithms are faster than their nearest-neighbor competitors. However, in practice, we advice to restart the underlying k-means algorithm multiple times in order to obtain a stable clustering outcome. This procedure unfortunately often takes away the advantage of the theoretical speedup, which leads on the small datasets even to longer runtimes compared with the nearest-neighbor based algorithms. Nevertheless, when processing speed is very important or a clustering model can be updated in a data streaming application, a clusteringbased algorithm might be used. Besides our recommendation for uCBLOF, CMGOS-Reg also seems to perform reliable on most of the datasets. On the contrary, the original CBLOF algorithm should be avoided due to an algorithm design flaw. Also, the CMGOS with the subspacebased MCD density estimation should not be the first choice, since the density estimation is too slow and detection performance is worse.


    The statistical algorithm HBOS, which assumes independence of the features, surprisingly showed very good results in our evaluation. It is even the best performing algorithm on four out of our 10 datasets. Due to the very fast computation time, especially for large datasets, we highly recommend to give it a try on large-scale datasets when looking for global anomalies.


    One dataset with 400 dimensions was a big challenge for all of the algorithms, most likely due to the curse of dimensionality. In this context, only nearest-neighbor based algorithms with a very small k < 5 were useful at all. Since in unsupervised anomaly detection k can typically not be determined, we might conclude that unsupervised anomaly detection fails on such a high number of dimensions.

    一个400维的数据集对所有算法来说都是一个巨大的挑战,很可能是由于维数灾难。在这种情况下,只有 k<5 的最近邻算法才是有用的。因为在无监督异常检测中,k通常不能确定,所以我们可以得出结论,无监督异常检测在如此高的维数上失败。

    As a general summary for algorithm selection, we recommend to use nearest-neighbor based methods, in particular k-NN for global tasks and LOF for local tasks instead of clustering-based methods. If computation time is essential, HBOS is a good candidate, especially for larger datasets. A special attention should be paid to the nature of the dataset when applying local algorithms, and if local anomalies are of interest at all in this case. We have summarized our recommendations for algorithm selection in Table 6 with respect to the anomaly detection performance (accuracy), the stability of the scoring (deterministic), the sensitivity to parameters, the computation time for larger datasets (speed) and whether the algorithm is applicable for datasets having global anomalies only. Please note, that the judgments in the table assume that the general recommendations as given above are followed.



    This research is supported by The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) through its “Center of Innovation Science and Technology based Radical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program (COI Program)”.

    Author Contributions

    Conceived and designed the experiments: MG SU. Performed the experiments: MG. Analyzed the data: MG SU. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MG. Wrote the paper: MG SU.

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