
    科技2022-07-11  129


    list_chinese = ['零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖', '拾'] list_unit = ['圆', '拾', '佰', '仟', '萬'] price = input('input 金额 五位以下: ') price = int(price[:5]) # 去首0 list_price = list(str(price)) end_zero = 1 # 末尾是否为0 flag = 1 # 当前是否为0 len_price = len(list_price) for i in range(len_price): list_price[i] = list_chinese[int(list_price[i])] # 转大写 zero = list_chinese[0] # 零 if list_price[-1] == zero: end_zero = 0 for i in range(len_price): if i == len_price - 1 and end_zero == 0: print(list_unit[0], end='') break elif i == len_price - 1 and end_zero == 1: print(list_price[i], end='') print(list_unit[len_price - i - 1], end='') else: if list_price[i] == zero: flag = 0 # 当前为0 else: flag = 1 if flag == 1 or (flag == 0 and list_price[i - 1] != zero and end_zero == 1): print(list_price[i], end='') if flag == 1 and i != len_price - 1: # 若当前不为0 print(list_unit[len_price - i - 1], end='') print('整')


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