创作不易,拒绝抄袭,可以引用,标明出处。 小编会尽力去完善每一个知识点,如果有错误,漏掉的内容欢迎留言私信补充。
To calculate log(4), which would work in R code?
> log(4) > In(4) >Ine(4) LOG(4)讲解: 把这四个选项每个放在rstudio里运行一下,只有log(4)能运行出结果。
Which code is correct?
getwd() setwd(x=c(1,2,3)) help[getwd] setwd(’…’)讲解: 放在Rstudio里运行,R语言的语法,其余都有不同的程序错误。
What is the answer to the following R code? x=c(1,2,3,4,5) sum(x) + sort(x)[2]
17 16 15 14讲解: 放在rstudio里运行
x=c(1,2,3,4,5) sum(x)+sort(x)[2] #outpot:17x=c(-1,2,3,-4,5) Which commands sorts the data?
sort(x) Sort(x) SORT(x) sort(x)讲解: 放在Rstudio里运行一下,只有sort(x)没有出错。
“Simpson’s Paradox occurs when relationships between percentages in subgroups are the same, when the subgroups are combined, because of a confounding or lurking variable”.
True False讲解: 理论题。 题目翻译:当子组中的百分比之间的关系相同时,或者由于混淆或潜伏变量而将子组合并时,就会发生“辛普森悖论”。
In the sleep dataset, how many levels does the group variable have?
4 2 6 8讲解: 问在sleep数据集中,group变量有多少个级别?答案是两个。
What is the length of the depth variable in quakes?
10 100 1000 10000讲解: 问地震中深度变量的长度是多少?
Which command would isolate a variable in the sleep dataset?
sleep$extras sleep$age sleep$time sleep$group解释: 问哪个命令将隔离睡眠数据集中的变量?
What is the result of the following code?
dim(mtcars^2) 1024 121 32 11 NULL 123904讲解: 带入Rstudio里运行。
In the Australian road fatality dataset (L4), what type of variable is BusInvolvement?
Quantitative - continuou Quantitative - discrete Qualitative - binary Qualitative - ordinal讲解: 在澳大利亚道路死亡数据集(L4)中,涉及公共汽车的变量类型是什么?