
    科技2022-07-11  119


    前言一、爬虫分析二、爬取项目ID1.抓取帖子的URL2.提取帖子中的UUID3.完整代码 三、爬取项目的数据写在最后


    今天某小丽同学来找我,有个实验需要用到轻松筹的数据进行一个分析。可是没有足够的数据,如何办是好? 乐于助人的我,当然不会置之不理~ (ps.毕竟是小姐姐嘛,拒绝了不好,对叭)



    通过简单的分析,可以发现轻松筹提供了一个接口,可以返回某个项目的相关数据,具体如下: 地址如下,xxxxxx表示项目的UUID:


    也就是说,我们只要有UUID,那么就可以通过requests发送请求很容易就能得到数据。这还不简单,我们对UUID进行遍历不就行了嘛? 然而,UUID的长度为32位,要是想遍历的话,等明年去叭… 解决问题(小声说:“获得小姐姐的青睐”)的关键就是想办法找到项目的UUID。





    url_tieba = 'https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=轻松筹&ie=utf-8&pn=%d' # 贴吧页面,pn=0,50,100... p_href = 'href="/p/(.*?)"' hrefs = [] for i in range(1): # 爬取的页数 try: pn = i*50 res = requests.get(url_tieba%pn) html = res.text list_herf = re.findall(p_href,html) for h in list_herf: hrefs.append('https://tieba.baidu.com/p/'+h) print('第%d页获取成功'%(i+1)) except: pass with open('tiezi_url.txt','w') as f: for h in hrefs: f.write(h+'\n')


    要获取每个帖子里面的项目UUID,主要有两种方式: (1)从帖子中的链接中提取 首先定义匹配链接的正则表达式:

    p_projuuid = 'https://m2.qschou.com.*?projuuid=(.*?)&'


    for h in hrefs: try: res = requests.get(h) html = res.text list_projuuid = re.findall(p_projuuid,html) # 判断帖子里是否有直接的链接 if len(list_projuuid) != 0: for p in list_projuuid: if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) else: # 提取帖子中的图片获取二维码 list_img = re.findall(p_img,html) if len(list_img) == 0: print('%s 无法提取到projuuid'%h) else: for i in list_img: txt_list = get_ewm(i) if len(txt_list) != 0: barcodeData = txt_list[0].data.decode("utf-8") for p in re.findall('projuuid=(.*)',barcodeData): if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) except: pass

    (2)从帖子中的二维码中提取 首先,我们得匹配帖子中的所有图片,正则如下:

    p_img = 'class="BDE_Image" src="(.*?)"'


    for h in hrefs: try: res = requests.get(h) html = res.text list_projuuid = re.findall(p_projuuid,html) # 判断帖子里是否有直接的链接 if len(list_projuuid) != 0: for p in list_projuuid: if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) else: # 提取帖子中的图片获取二维码 list_img = re.findall(p_img,html) if len(list_img) == 0: print('%s 无法提取到projuuid'%h) else: for i in list_img: txt_list = get_ewm(i) if len(txt_list) != 0: barcodeData = txt_list[0].data.decode("utf-8") for p in re.findall('projuuid=(.*)',barcodeData): if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) except: pass


    def get_ewm(img_adds): # 读取二维码的内容: img_adds:二维码地址(可以是网址也可是本地地址) if os.path.isfile(img_adds): # 从本地加载二维码图片 img = Image.open(img_adds) else: # 从网络下载并加载二维码图片 rq_img = requests.get(img_adds).content img = Image.open(BytesIO(rq_img)) txt_list = pyzbar.decode(img) #barcodeData = txt_list[0].data.decode("utf-8") return txt_list


    pip install pyzbar


    import re import os import requests from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from pyzbar import pyzbar def get_ewm(img_adds): # 读取二维码的内容: img_adds:二维码地址(可以是网址也可是本地地址) if os.path.isfile(img_adds): # 从本地加载二维码图片 img = Image.open(img_adds) else: # 从网络下载并加载二维码图片 rq_img = requests.get(img_adds).content img = Image.open(BytesIO(rq_img)) txt_list = pyzbar.decode(img) #barcodeData = txt_list[0].data.decode("utf-8") return txt_list if __name__ == '__main__': # 获取每个帖子的编号 url_tieba = 'https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=轻松筹&ie=utf-8&pn=%d' # 贴吧页面,pn=0,50,100... p_href = 'href="/p/(.*?)"' hrefs = [] for i in range(1): # 爬取的页数 try: pn = i*50 res = requests.get(url_tieba%pn) html = res.text list_herf = re.findall(p_href,html) for h in list_herf: hrefs.append('https://tieba.baidu.com/p/'+h) print('第%d页获取成功'%(i+1)) except: pass with open('tiezi_url.txt','w') as f: for h in hrefs: f.write(h+'\n') # 爬取每个帖子中的轻松筹链接 projuuids = [] p_projuuid = 'https://m2.qschou.com.*?projuuid=(.*?)&' p_img = 'class="BDE_Image" src="(.*?)"' for h in hrefs: try: res = requests.get(h) html = res.text list_projuuid = re.findall(p_projuuid,html) # 判断帖子里是否有直接的链接 if len(list_projuuid) != 0: for p in list_projuuid: if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) else: # 提取帖子中的图片获取二维码 list_img = re.findall(p_img,html) if len(list_img) == 0: print('%s 无法提取到projuuid'%h) else: for i in list_img: txt_list = get_ewm(i) if len(txt_list) != 0: barcodeData = txt_list[0].data.decode("utf-8") for p in re.findall('projuuid=(.*)',barcodeData): if p not in projuuids and len(p) == 36: projuuids.append(p) print('%s 提取到projuuid:%s'%(h,p)) except: pass with open('projuuids.txt','w') as f: for p in projuuids: f.write(p+'\n')



    import requests import pandas as pd # 读取projuuid with open('projuuids.txt','r') as f: projuuids = f.readlines() for i in range(len(projuuids)): # 去除尾部换行符 projuuids[i] = projuuids[i][:-1] # 获取数据 url_api = 'https://gateway.qschou.com/v3.0.0/project/index/text3/%s' datas = [] for projuuid in projuuids: res = requests.get(url_api%projuuid) data_json = res.json() data = data_json['data']['project'] data['certification'] = data_json['data']['subsidy'][1]['subhead'].split()[-2] datas.append(data) print('%s 获取完毕'%projuuid) datas = pd.DataFrame(datas) datas.to_csv('data.csv',encoding='utf-8',index=False)




    创作不易,大侠请留步… 动起可爱的双手,来个赞再走呗 (๑◕ܫ←๑)

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