Git 构建分布式版本控制系统图文解释

    科技2024-07-31  30


    记录开发文件的时间机器 更好的开发 挽回代码错误带来的损失 分类 1、本地版本控制系统

    2、集中化的版本控制系统 CVS、Subversion(SVN)


    产品分类 github git gitlab



    Install and configure the necessary dependencies 4G以上内存 yum -y install curl policycoreutils openssh-server openssh-clients 安装和配置必要的依赖关系

    systemctl enable sshd 开机自启动ssh程序

    systemctl start sshd

    yum install postfix 安装邮件程序

    systemctl start postfix

    systemctl enable postfix

    systemctl stop firewalld 防火墙关上! systemctl disable firewalld

    selinux也要记得关上 2. Add the GitLab package server and install the package (添加GitLab软件包存储库并安装软件包) 语法: curl | sudo bash 解释: Next, install the GitLab package. Make sure you have correctly set up your DNS, and change to the URL at which you want to access your GitLab instance. Installation will automatically configure and start GitLab at that URL. For https:// URLs GitLab will automatically request a certificate with Let’s Encrypt, which requires inbound HTTP access and a valid hostname. You can also use your own certificate or just use http:// 语法:sudo EXTERNAL_URL=“” yum install -y gitlab-ee

    Browse to the hostname and login On your first visit, you’ll be redirected to a password reset screen. Provide the password for the initial administrator account and you will be redirected back to the login screen. Use the default account’s username root to login.

    See our documentation for detailed instructions on installing and configuration.

    Set up your communication preferences Visit our email subscription preference center to let us know when to communicate with you. We have an explicit email opt-in policy so you have complete control over what and how often we send you emails.

    Twice a month, we send out the GitLab news you need to know, including new features, integrations, docs, and behind the scenes stories from our dev teams. For critical security updates related to bugs and system performance, sign up for our dedicated security newsletter.

    Important note: If you do not opt-in to the security newsletter, you will not receive security alerts.

    Configure sign-up restrictions and sign-in preferences. After completing your installation, consider the recommended practices to secure your GitLab instance. 我在安装时遇到了yum源的问题,我重新改用了安装包, 登录上之后就是这样的页面 创建密匙

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