
    科技2024-08-16  31

    create database Test; # 向已有数据中插入数值 update student set HomeAddr = "武汉市洪山区" where StudentID = "St0111040001"; select HomeAddr from student where StudentID = "St0111040001"; #查看有多少个同学选过课 select count(distinct studentid) as student_num from grade; #统计学生人数 select count(*) from student; #*时,null也参与计算行总数 select count(birth1) from student; #具体列时,该列null值不参与计算行总数 #查看所有同学所有课程的平均成绩 select avg(grade) as avg_all_course from grade; #查看某一门课程的平均成绩 select avg(grade) as avg_course from grade; SELECT courseID, COUNT(*) FROM grade GROUP BY courseID; # 输出dp0000001的平均成绩 select avg(grade) as avg_all_course from grade where courseid = 'Dp010001'; #输出每门课程的平均成绩 select courseid,avg(grade) from grade group by courseid; # 输出平均成绩大于80的课程 select courseid,avg(grade) from grade group by courseid having avg(grade)>80; # 输出平均成绩大于80的课程(每门课60分以下的同学不参与平均成绩的计算) select courseid,avg(grade) from grade where grade >= 60 group by courseid having avg(grade)>80 order by avg(grade) desc; #查询出成绩大于等于90的同学学号 select grade,studentid from grade where grade>=90; #查询出成绩大于60小于90的同学学号 select grade,studentid from grade where grade between 60 and 90; select distinct studentid from grade where grade>60 and grade<90; # `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` #方法一: select studentid from student where studentid not in (select studentid from grade where courseid in ('Dp010001','Dp010002')) #方法二 select studentid from student a where not exists(select studentid from grade where courseid in ('Dp010001','Dp010002') and studentid=a.studentid) #查询选修了Dp010001或者Dp010003课程的同学学号 select a.studentid,a.courseid,b.courseid from grade a,grade b where a.studentid = b.studentid and a.courseid = 'Dp010001' and b.courseid = 'Dp010003'; #查询没有选修Dp010001或者Dp010002课程的同学学号 select distinct studentid from student where classid not in ('cs010901','cs010902'); #查找Cs010901班和Cs010902班的女同学 select studentid,sex,classID from student where (classID = 'cs010901' or classID = 'cs010902' ) and sex = '女'; -- and优先级大于or,可以用括号调整 #查找没有班长的班级号 select classid,monitor from class where monitor is null; # 查找有班长的班级号和班级人数 select classid,studentnum,monitor from class where monitor is not null; #查找大连的同学学号和姓名 select studentid,studentname,homeaddr from student where HomeAddr like '大连市%'; #查找姓名第二个字为雨的同学 select studentid,studentname from student where studentname like '_雨%'; #查找书名中以“数据库技术与应用_”开头的书 select courseid,bookname from course where bookname like '数据库技术与应用\_%'; #当遇到_划线的时候,添加一个本来拥有的实际意义,加一个"\" #用其他的字符来替代转义字符 where bookname like '数据库技术与应用\_%' escape "/"; #查询选修了Dp010001且成绩为前三名的同学的学号及对应的成绩。 select courseid,studentid,grade from grade where courseid = 'Dp010001' order by grade desc limit 3; #查询选修了Dp010001且成绩为第三名的同学的学号及对应的成绩。 select courseid,studentid,grade from grade where courseid = 'Dp010001' order by grade desc limit 2,1; #查询全体学生情况,查询结果按所在系的系号升序排列,同一系中的学生按年龄降序排列。 select studentid,classid,year(birth1),2020-year(birth1) from student order by classid,2020-year(birth1) desc # 查询总共有多少个班级?查询有班长的班级有多少个?通过student表查询每个班级各有多少个人? select count(classid) as '班级数',count(monitor) as '有班长的班级个数' from class; where monitor is not null; select classid as '班级',count(studentid) as '班级人数' from student group by classid #查询每个班中各年份出生的人数是多少? select classid as '班级号',year(birth1) as '出生年月',count(*) as '人数' from student group by classid,year(birth1) order by classid,year(birth1); #统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过2人的课程才统计)。要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列 select courseid as '课程号',count(studentid) from grade group by courseid order by count(studentid) asc -- ##################################################################################-------- #实验题 #查询所有课程的详细信息 select *from course #查询所有学生的学号,姓名,出生年月(格式YYYY-MM),显示时使用别名出生年月 select studentid,studentname,DATE_FORMAT(birth1,'%Y-%c') as '出生年月' from student; #求姓王的同学和姓张的同学学生号,学生名,班级号 select studentid,studentname,classid from student where studentname like '王%' or studentname like '张%' #查询每门课程每个学年的平均分,输出课程号,学年,以及平均分数 select courseid,avg(grade) from grade group by courseid #查询每个学生选择的课程数并显示出这几门课的课程号,以及他的最高分,最低分 select max(grade) as '最高分',min(grade) as '最低分',courseid as '课程号',count(courseid) as '人数' from grade group by courseid #通过student表计算每个班有多少人,找出大于5人的班级号和其班级人数,并按照班级人数降序排序显示。 select count(studentid) as 班级人数 from student group by classid having count(studentid)>5 order by count(studentid) desc #筛选出每个同学大于70分的成绩,输出有2门课超过70分的学生号 select studentid from grade group by studentid having count(grade>70) >= 2 select studentid,courseid,grade from grade where grade>=70 group by studentid having count(courseid)>=2 #.查询Cs010901和Cs010902 班同学的学号 select classid,studentid from student where classid in ('Cs010901','Cs010902') #查询有多少个同学选过课程(在grade表中出现的学号即认为选过课) select count(distinct studentid) as student_num from grade; #建立一个表addr,有两列数据,第一列为proaddr(存放市名), #第二列为num(存放每个省学生人数),通过student表查询每个市有多少个人, #没有填写地址的不进行计算,并将查询结果填写到addr当中。 create table addr( proaddr varchar(80) comment '省市名', num int comment '人数' ); drop table addr; insert into addr(num,proaddr) select count(HomeAddr),substring(HomeAddr,1,position('市' in HomeAddr)) as city from student where HomeAddr regexp '(佛山市)|(武汉市)|(成都市)|(广州市)|(鞍山市)|(宜宾市)|(大连市)|(汕头市)|(上海市)|(深圳市)' group by city select * from addr;
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