
    科技2024-10-06  29

    Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship

    As aspiring Software Craftsmen we are raising the bar of professional software development by practicing it and helping others learn the craft. Through this work we have come to value: 作为有理想的软件工匠,我们一直身体力行,提升专业软件开发的标准,并帮助他人学习此工艺。通过这些工作,我们建立了如下价值观: Not only working software, 不仅要让软件工作 but also well-crafted software 更要 精益求精 Not only responding to change, 不仅要响应变化, but also steadily adding value 更要 稳步增加价值 Not only individuals and interactions, 不仅要有个体与交互, but also a community of professionals 更要 形成专业人员的社区 Not only customer collaboration, 不仅要与客户合作, but also productive partnerships 更要 建立卓有成效的伙伴关系 That is, in pursuit of the items on the left we have found the items on the right to be indispensable. 也就是说,左项固然值得追求,右项同样不可或缺。

    Bob 提出要在敏捷宣言中增加第五项价值:精益求精胜过按部就班(Craftsmanship over Execution)。 :大多数软件开发团队都是按部就班,按命令办事,但是他们并没有真正投入到工作中去。我们重视按部就班,但是精益求精的态度更为宝贵。

    宣言组的成员回答了两个核心问题:“它怎样帮助解决敷衍了事的代码带来的问题?”, “哪些做法可以让只是粗制滥造代码的开发人员成为工匠?”


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