基于模板实现 MyArray 数组

    科技2024-10-14  29

    基于模板实现 MyArray 数组


    基于模板实现 MyArray 数组1. 基本要求2. 代码实现3. 遇到问题4. 代码测试

    1. 基本要求

    MyArray 数组需要支持内置数据类型与自定义数据类型MyArray 数据部分存储在堆区MyArray 提供构造函数的函数需要指定数组容量MyArray 需要提供析构函数,释放堆区内存MyArray 需要提供拷贝构造函数MyArray 需要提供 operator=,operator[] 重载操作符MyArray 需要提供 push_back尾插函数与pop_back尾删函数MyArray 需要提供接口获得元素个数 与 数组容量

    2. 代码实现

    // MyArray.hpp template <class T> class MyArray{ public: MyArray(int capacity); ~MyArray(); MyArray(const MyArray &other); MyArray& operator=(const MyArray &other) ; void push_back(const T &t) ; void pop_back(); T& operator[](int index); int size(); int capacity(); private: int m_capacity; int m_size; T *m_pArr; }; template<class T> MyArray<T>::MyArray(int capacity):m_capacity{capacity}, m_size{0}{ m_pArr = new T[m_capacity]; cout << "构造函数..." << endl; } template<class T> MyArray<T>::~MyArray(){ if (m_pArr != nullptr) { delete[] m_pArr; m_pArr = nullptr; } cout << "析构函数..." << endl; } template<class T> MyArray<T>::MyArray(const MyArray &other) { m_capacity = other.m_capacity; m_size = other.m_size; m_pArr = new T[m_capacity]; // 将数据拷贝过来 for(int i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { m_pArr[i] = other.m_pArr[i]; } cout << "拷贝构造..." << endl; } template<class T> MyArray<T>& MyArray<T>::operator=(const MyArray &other) { cout << " operator=() ..." << endl; if (this == &other) return *this; // 先判断原来堆区是否有数据,有数据则释放 if (this->m_pArr != nullptr) { delete [] m_pArr; m_pArr = nullptr; m_capacity = 0; m_size = 0; } // 深拷贝 m_capacity = other.m_capacity; m_size = other.m_size; m_pArr = new T[m_capacity]; for(int i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { m_pArr[i] = other.m_pArr[i]; } return *this; } template<class T> void MyArray<T>::push_back(const T &t) { cout << "push_back() ..." << endl; if (m_size < m_capacity) { *(m_pArr + m_size) = t; m_size++; } } template<class T> void MyArray<T>::pop_back() { cout << "pop_back()..." << endl; if (m_size > 0) m_size--; return; } template<class T> T& MyArray<T>::operator[](int index){ cout << "operator[]()..." << endl; if (index < 0) return *(m_pArr); else if (index < m_capacity) return *(m_pArr + index); else return *(m_pArr + m_capacity); } template<class T> int MyArray<T>::size() { cout << "size() ..." << endl; return m_size; } template<class T> int MyArray<T>::capacity() { cout << "capacity()..." << endl; return m_capacity; }

    3. 遇到问题

    使用模板实现时,头文件与实现文件分离在编译过程中会出现找不到函数实现的像。因此,基于模板实现的类一般将头文件与实现文件放在一个文件内,该文件一般保存为 xxx.hpp。operator= 返回值问题,在【C++ operator= 操作符重载返回值为什么是自身的引用?<–点击即可访问】详细介绍。

    4. 代码测试

    #include "myArray.hpp" class Person{ public: Person() = default; Person(int age): m_age{age}{ } Person operator=(const Person &p){ m_age = p.m_age; return *this; } void dispaly() { cout << "age = " << m_age << endl; } private: int m_age; }; void test01() { Person p1(1); Person p2(2); Person p3(3); Person p4(p3); MyArray<Person> myArr(10); myArr.push_back(p1); myArr.push_back(p2); myArr.push_back(p3); myArr.pop_back(); myArr.push_back(p4); cout << "The size of myArr is: " << myArr.size() << endl; cout << "The capacity of myArr is: " << myArr.capacity() << endl; MyArray<Person> myArr2(myArr); myArr = myArr2; MyArray<int> myIntArr(10); myIntArr.push_back(1); myIntArr.push_back(2); myIntArr.push_back(3); cout << myIntArr[0] << "\t" << myIntArr[1] << "\t" << myIntArr[2] << endl; } int main() { test01(); return 0; }
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