
    科技2024-10-20  36


    开发工具与关键技术:VS JQ 作者:唐文坚 撰写时间:2020.10.7 callbacks.add(callbacks) 概述 回调列表中添加一个回调或回调的集合。 参数 callbacks 一个函数,或者一个函数数组用来添加到回调列表。 描述: 使用 callbacks.add() 添加新的回调到回调列表: jQuery 代码: // a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list var foo = function( value ){ console.log( 'foo:' + value ); } // another function to also be added to the list var bar = function( value ){ console.log( 'bar:' + value ); } var callbacks = $.Callbacks(); // add the function 'foo' to the list callbacks.add( foo ); // fire the items on the list callbacks.fire( 'hello' ); // outputs: 'foo: hello' // add the function 'bar' to the list callbacks.add( bar ); // fire the items on the list again callbacks.fire( 'world' ); // outputs: // 'foo: world' // 'bar: world' callbacks.disable() 概述 禁用回调列表中的回调 描述: 使用 callbacks.disable() 禁用回调列表: jQuery 代码: // a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list var foo = function( value ){ console.log( value ); } var callbacks = $.Callbacks(); // add the above function to the list callbacks.add( foo ); // fire the items on the list callbacks.fire( 'foo' ); // outputs: foo // disable further calls being possible callbacks.disable(); // attempt to fire with 'foobar' as an argument callbacks.fire( 'foobar' ); // foobar isn't output callbacks.empty() 概述 从列表中删除所有的回调. 描述: 使用 callbacks.empty() 清空回调列表: jQuery 代码: // a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list var foo = function( value1, value2 ){ console.log( 'foo:' + value1 + ',' + value2 ); } // another function to also be added to the list var bar = function( value1, value2 ){ console.log( 'bar:' + value1 + ',' + value2 ); } var callbacks = $.Callbacks(); // add the two functions callbacks.add( foo ); callbacks.add( bar ); // empty the callbacks list callbacks.empty(); // check to ensure all callbacks have been removed console.log( callbacks.has( foo ) ); // false console.log( callbacks.has( bar ) ); // false
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