
    科技2024-12-24  24

    本文为挪威科技大学(作者:Jenny A. Engeland Hansen)的论文,共76页。




    In this thesis, we study the economicaspects of the next generation of mobile networks, the fifth generation (5G).Mobile networking is an interesting topic, as telecommunication is anindispensable part of the infrastructure in our society, both today and in thefuture. 5G is needed as the existing 4G networks do not have enough capacity tohandle the future amounts of mobile data traffic. It is important to understandthe economic aspects of 5G, to ensure that the next generation of mobilenetworks will be economically sustainable. Although 5G still is a few yearsaway from being commercially deployed, now is a good time to start addressingcertain economic aspects. For instance, it is wise to begin the considerationsof the cost aspect of the future networks early, while the enablingtechnologies are still under research and development, and before 5G isstandardized. This is especially important for the mobile network operators,who provide the infrastructure. Similarly, the business potential of 5G is ofinterest for all actors that intend to generate revenues related to 5G. Someexamples of these actors are service providers, content providers, companiesselling telecommunication equipment (hardware), and again, the mobile networkoperators. The three overall objectives of this thesis are to explain how 5G iscurrently defined, identify the most important economic aspects of 5G, andformulate an optimization planning problem for a mobile network operatoroperating in the 5G context, by using portfolio theory. Our main intention isto provide an overview that can be used as a starting point for further studiesof 5G economics. First, using existing literature about 5G as a starting point,we explore how 5G currently is defined, and how the recent literature addressits economic and business related aspects. 5G is not standardized yet, but theliterature shows that most actors and stakeholders agree on both the use casesand the actual requirements for 5G. We see that until now, most of the 5Gliterature is concerned with proposing technologies to be included in 5G, sothat 5G can meet the requirements. Heterogeneous networks, device-to-devicecommunication, software-defined networking, network function virtualization,cognitive radio, transmission over the millimeter frequency bands, advancedmultiple-input multiple-output techniques and software-defined radios areexamples of important technologies that are likely to characterize 5G. Animportant finding is that there has not been conducted much dedicated researchon the economic aspects of 5G yet. However, there are a few articles dedicatedto this field, which are studying the profitability of proposed newtechnologies: device-to-device communication and the 5G heterogeneous networks.Certain economic aspects are also mentioned in technology-orientedpublications, such as the increasing expenses the mobile network operatorsface, and the need for these costs to be at a reasonable level in the future.Cloud concepts with software-based implementations and virtualizationtechnologies are described as promising solutions for the cost issues, alongwith lowered cell costs in the 5G heterogeneous networks. If the costs ofdeploying and operating base stations are lowered, the decision of deployingnew base stations in rural areas will be easier to make. This have directimpact on socio-economic development, for which connectivity is an importantenabler. Further, there is a certain focus on green aspects in the literature,especially in terms of power consumption in the base stations. Theseconsiderations are also directly relevant for the economic context of 5G.Regarding the 5G business perspective, we see that the improved networkperformance in 5G is likely to open up new business opportunities. In additionto an improved userexperience for existing services, new opportunities arisefrom applications that are first enabled when the network delay is minimizedand the reliability is increased. This includes mission criticalcommunications, a huge number of connected devices arising from the Internet ofThings, and mobilization of different industries. The business context of 5Gmay also be characterized by new types of customers and partnerships. Finally,as an example for further economic research of 5G, we provide a portfoliotheory model for the planning of future 5G networks. In this model we show howportfolio optimization can be applied to formulate the following problem: How amobile network operator can select an optimal portfolio of availableconnections to offer to its customers, to provide the necessary connections forthe network traffic related to the customers’ service demands, while alsomeeting their quality demands. The application of portfolio theory to allocatetraffic in a mobile network is not novel. Our main contribution is to includethe Quality of Experience aspect in this type of model, to make the modelfeasible for the planning of 5G mobile networks.



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