
    科技2024-12-25  24




    要先部署k8s单节点集群,之前的博客有写过 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_47219942/article/details/108889931.



    主机分配 主机名IP地址资源分配部署服务master20.0.0.51apiserver、scheduler、controller-manager、etcdmaster0220.0.0.52apiserver、scheduler、controller-managerVIP20.0.0.100node0120.0.0.54kubelet、kube-proxy、docker、flannel、etcdnode0220.0.0.56kubelet、kube-proxy、docker、flannel、etcdnginx0120.0.0.55nginx、keepalivednginx0220.0.0.57nginx、keepalived


    修改主机名,关闭防火墙,关闭核心防护,关闭网络管理功能(生成环境中一定要关闭它) [root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname master02 '修改主机名' [root@localhost ~]# su [root@master02 ~]# [root@master02 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld '关闭防火墙' Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service. [root@master02 ~]# setenforce 0 && sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELNIUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config '关闭核心防护' [root@master02 ~]# systemctl stop NetworkManager && systemctl disable NetworkManager '关闭网络管理功能' Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/NetworkManager.service. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/NetworkManager-wait-online.service. 在master节点操作,将master节点的kubernetes配置文件和启动脚本复制到master02节点 [root@master ~]# scp -r /opt/kubernetes/ root@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:0rTN1pFp1TpC4aoV9WTxZTu3FG5eISUT1khb0hgqxyA. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:d1:f3:ff:8f:24:91:a4:6b:cd:0d:01:06:33:e3:9b:15. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. root@'s password: token.csv 100% 84 77.7KB/s 00:00 kube-apiserver 100% 909 678.3KB/s 00:00 kube-scheduler 100% 94 144.0KB/s 00:00 kube-controller-manager 100% 483 810.4KB/s 00:00 kube-apiserver 100% 184MB 105.0MB/s 00:01 kubectl 100% 55MB 119.2MB/s 00:00 kube-controller-manager 100% 155MB 115.1MB/s 00:01 kube-scheduler 100% 55MB 126.8MB/s 00:00 ca-key.pem 100% 1675 1.2MB/s 00:00 ca.pem 100% 1359 1.2MB/s 00:00 server-key.pem 100% 1675 2.1MB/s 00:00 server.pem 100% 1643 1.8MB/s 00:00 [root@master ~]# scp /usr/lib/systemd/system/{kube-apiserver,kube-controller-manager,kube-scheduler}.service root@ root@'s password: kube-apiserver.service 100% 282 186.1KB/s 00:00 kube-controller-manager.service 100% 317 358.7KB/s 00:00 kube-scheduler.service 100% 281 487.6KB/s 00:00 master02上修改apiserver配置文件中的IP地址 [root@master02 ~]# cd /opt/kubernetes/cfg/ [root@master02 cfg]# ls kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler token.csv [root@master02 cfg]# vim kube-apiserver KUBE_APISERVER_OPTS="--logtostderr=true \ --v=4 \ --etcd-servers=,, \ --bind-address= \ '修改此处的绑定IP地址' --secure-port=6443 \ --advertise-address= \ '修改此处的IP地址' ...省略 将master节点的etcd证书复制到master02节点(master02上一定要有etcd证书,用来与etcd通信 [root@master ~]# scp -r /opt/etcd/ root@ master02节点查看etcd证书,并启动三个服务 [root@master02 cfg]# yum install tree -y [root@master02 cfg]# tree /opt/etcd/ /opt/etcd/ ├── bin ├── etcd └── etcdctl ├── cfg └── etcd └── ssl ├── ca-key.pem ├── ca.pem ├── server-key.pem └── server.pem 3 directories, 7 files [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl start kube-apiserver.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl status kube-apiserver.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl enable kube-apiserver.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl start kube-controller-manager.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl status kube-controller-manager.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl enable kube-controller-manager.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl start kube-scheduler.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl enable kube-scheduler.service [root@master02 cfg]# systemctl status kube-scheduler.service 添加环境变量并查看节点状态 [root@master02 cfg]# echo export PATH=$PATH:/opt/kubernetes/bin >> /etc/profile [root@master02 cfg]# source /etc/profile [root@master02 cfg]# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 4d21h v1.12.3 Ready <none> 4d21h v1.12.3


    两个nginx主机修改主机名(仅展示nginx01的操作):关闭防火墙和核心防护 [root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname nginx01 '修改主机吗' [root@localhost ~]# su [root@nginx01 ~]# [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld '关闭防火墙与核心防护' [root@nginx01 ~]# setenforce 0 && sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELNIUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config 两台nginx主机编辑nginx yum源(仅展示nginx01的操作) [root@nginx01 ~]# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo [nginx] name=nginx.repo baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 [root@nginx01 ~]# yum clean all [root@nginx01 ~]# yum list 两台nginx主机安装nginx并开启四层转发(仅展示nginx01的操作) [root@nginx01 ~]# yum -y install nginx '安装nginx' [root@nginx01 ~]# vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf events { worker_connections 1024; } '添加stream这段' stream { log_format main '$remote_addr $upstream_addr - [$time_local] $status $upstream_bytes_sent'; access_log /var/log/nginx/k8s-access.log main; '指定日志目录' upstream k8s-apiserver { server; '此处为master的ip地址和端口' server; '此处为master02的ip地址和端口,6443是apiserver的端口号' } server { listen 6443; proxy_pass k8s-apiserver; } } http { 启动nginx服务 [root@nginx01 ~]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl start nginx [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl status nginx nginx.service - nginx - high performance web server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since 2020-10-04 16:58:11 CST; 6s ago Docs: http://nginx.org/en/docs/ Process: 10931 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 10933 (nginx) Tasks: 2 CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service ├─10933 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/n... └─10934 nginx: worker process 10 04 16:58:11 nginx01 systemd[1]: Starting nginx - high performance.... 10 04 16:58:11 nginx01 systemd[1]: Started nginx - high performance .... Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full. [root@nginx01 ~]# netstat -ntap |grep nginx tcp 0 0* LISTEN 10933/nginx: master tcp 0 0* LISTEN 10933/nginx: master


    两台nginx主机部署keepalived服务 [root@nginx01 ~]# yum -y install keepalived [root@nginx01 ~]# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf ! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { # 接收邮件地址 notification_email { acassen@firewall.loc failover@firewall.loc sysadmin@firewall.loc } ! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { # 接收邮件地址 notification_email { failover@firewall.loc } # 邮件发送地址 notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc smtp_server smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id NGINX_MASTER } vrrp_script check_nginx { script "/etc/nginx/check_nginx.sh" } vrrp_instance VI_1 { state MASTER interface ens33 virtual_router_id 51 # VRRP 路由 ID实例,每个实例是唯一的 priority 100 # 优先级,备服务器设置 90 advert_int 1 # 指定VRRP 心跳包通告间隔时间,默认1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { check_nginx } } [root@nginx02 ~]# yum -y install keepalived [root@nginx02 ~]# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf ! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { # 接收邮件地址 notification_email { acassen@firewall.loc failover@firewall.loc sysadmin@firewall.loc } # 邮件发送地址 notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc smtp_server smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id NGINX_MASTER } vrrp_script check_nginx { script "/etc/nginx/check_nginx.sh" } vrrp_instance VI_1 { state BACKUP interface ens33 virtual_router_id 51 # VRRP 路由 ID实例,每个实例是唯一的 priority 90 # 优先级,备服务器设置 90 advert_int 1 # 指定VRRP 心跳包通告间隔时间,默认1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { check_nginx } } 创建监控脚本,启动keepalived服务,查看VIP地址 [root@nginx01 ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/nginx/sbin/ '创建监控脚本目录' [root@nginx01 ~]# vim /usr/local/nginx/sbin/check_nginx.sh '编写监控脚本配置文件' count=$(ps -ef |grep nginx |egrep -cv "grep|$$") if [ "$count" -eq 0 ];then systemctl stop keepalived fi [root@nginx01 ~]# chmod +x /usr/local/nginx/sbin/check_nginx.sh '给执行权限' [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl start keepalived '开启服务' [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl status keepalived [root@nginx01 ~]# ip a '两个nginx服务器查看IP地址' 2: ens33: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0c:29:39:ca:50 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global noprefixroute ens33 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet scope global secondary ens33 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fe39:ca50/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 'VIP在nginx01上' [root@nginx02 ~]# ip a 2: ens33: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0c:29:a5:94:87 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global noprefixroute ens33 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::1ed0:f5b9:5749:839e/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever '2上是没有VIP的' 验证漂移地址(lb01中使用pkill nginx,再在lb02中使用ip a 查看) [root@nginx01 ~]# pkill nginx '关闭nginx服务' [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl status keepalived '发现keepalived服务关闭了' [root@nginx02 ~]# ip a '现在发现VIP地址跑到nginx02上了' 2: ens33: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0c:29:a5:94:87 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global noprefixroute ens33 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet scope global secondary ens33 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::1ed0:f5b9:5749:839e/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 恢复漂移地址的操作 [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl start nginx [root@nginx01 ~]# systemctl start keepalived '先开启nginx,在启动keepalived服务,因为脚本会自动检测nginx服务是否开启,如果先启动keepalived服务,还是会根据nginx服务down自动关闭' [root@nginx01 ~]# ip a '再次查看,发现VIP回到了nginx01节点上' 在node节点上,修改两个node节点配置文件(bootstrap.kubeconfig 、kubelet.kubeconfig),统一VIP地址,仅展示node01节点的操作 [root@node1 ~]# vim /opt/kubernetes/cfg/bootstrap.kubeconfig [root@node1 ~]# vim /opt/kubernetes/cfg/kubelet.kubeconfig [root@node1 ~]# vim /opt/kubernetes/cfg/kube-proxy.kubeconfig '统统修改为VIP' server: 重启两个node节点的服务 [root@node1 ~]# systemctl restart kubelet [root@node1 ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@node1 ~]# systemctl restart kube-proxy [root@node1 ~]# cd /opt/k8s/cfg/ [root@node1 cfg]# grep 100 * bootstrap.kubeconfig: server: kubelet.kubeconfig: server: kube-proxy.kubeconfig: server: 在nginx01上查看k8s日志 [root@nginx01 ~]# tail /var/log/nginx/k8s-access.log - [04/Oct/2020:17:25:54 +0800] 200 2301 - [04/Oct/2020:17:25:54 +0800] 200 1115 - [04/Oct/2020:17:25:54 +0800] 200 1115 master节点测试创建pod [root@master ~]# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx '创建一个nginx测试pod' kubectl run --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl create instead. deployment.apps/nginx created [root@master ~]# kubectl get pods '查看状态,是正在创建' NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 9s [root@master ~]# kubectl get pods '稍等一下再次查看,发现pod已经创建完成,在master02节点也可以查看' NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 0/1 Running 0 16s ' ContainerCreating表示正在创建中,running表示创建已完成' 查看pod日志 [root@master ~]# kubectl logs nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 '查看pod日志发现报错原因是权限问题' Error from server (Forbidden): Forbidden (user=system:anonymous, verb=get, resource=nodes, subresource=proxy) ( pods/log nginx-dbddb74b8-5s6h7) [root@master ~]# kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-system-anonymous --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous '指定集群中的匿名用户有管理员权限' [root@master ~]# kubectl logs nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 '此时可以访问,但是没有日志产生' 查看pod网络 [root@master ~]# kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 1/1 Running 0 4m47s <none> 访问node节点的pod资源产生日志,并在两个master节点查看 [root@node1 ~]# curl '在对应的节点访问pod' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> '访问就会产生日志' '回到master操作' [root@master ~]# kubectl logs nginx-dbddb74b8-gsmf7 '再次在master节点访问日志情况,master02节点同样可以访问' - - [04/Oct/2020:09:41:19 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.29.0" "-"
    Processed: 0.019, SQL: 8