提示:关于这门课的sllyabus的资料总结请看我上一篇文章,ECE257A 学习笔记 - Syllabus
课程简介: This is a graduate level full-stack wireless network engineer course. Through this course, we will get a big-picture of modern Internet and mobile network architectures, signal/packet processing modules , modern wireless access technologies( WiFi and LTE), network protocol issues unique to wireless networks, including medium access control, mobile IP, and TCP over wireless. Finally, the course will also cover the design principles and working mechanisms of modern mobile applications (e.g., mobile Web, real-time mobile telephony, video streaming, and virtual reality).。 简介: 就是这门课的主要内容是讲网络协议以及网络架构,因此对于网络工程师有一定的帮助,
简介:这一章是关于我们的课程工程的介绍, 工程proposal 的截止日期是 10/14/2020
➢ Designing a scalable multi-access protocol for the IoT. ➢ Machine learning for wireless communications ➢ Network modeling and analysis: asymptotic capacity of millimeterwave networks ➢ Design and implement a virtual reality chat application. ➢ AI-driven 5G mmWave networking ➢ AI-driven WiFi network management 参见: 工程的具体简介 工程的gudiance 点评: 根据老师的要求,我们最好选用比较new的主题去做,然后能够显示出我们的idea以及思考,其实是比较务虚的一个task, 因此重点在于我们如何引入比较新的技术以及知识, 然后并且把原理给讲清楚,第二点值得关注的就是教授要求所有的工程文章都用latex来写,因此,latex的学习现在就要开始了。 总体而言教授论述的科学知识相当前沿, 因此想要做好有一定难度。
图片链接 优点就是传输延迟小,缺点就是硬件开销大,因此很快被淘汰;
图片链接 就是一种中心结构, 家里路由器一个中心,路由器和小区的网口switcher又是一个中心,然后switcher和几家公司的网络进行连接,构成网络通路,之所以说是几家,就是因为防止网络断掉,然后上万用户无法用网,而小区断网就是几百户,修一下就可以了。
ISP, An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company such as AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, or BrightHouse that provides Internet access to companies, families, and even mobile users. ISPs use fiber-optics, satellite, copper wire, and other forms to provide Internet access to its customers. 就是网络供应商, 提供各种网络服务, 国内三巨头就是其中的之一
IX or IXP, An Internet exchange point is the physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks (autonomous systems). 就是网关网桥,高速公路的分支路口, 像这种东西,不到IXP就不知道下一步怎么走,
WLAN, Wireless local area networks: wifi WPAN, Wireless personal area networks : bluetooth WMAN, Wireless metropolitan area networks :cellular networks
好了,这就是我们这节课基本讲的内容,也是第一次开始系统做笔记,希望大家喜欢, 哈哈哈。