
    科技2025-02-11  12


    1. select多字段判断拼接


    <!--文章查询的sql片断,建议是以单表为单位定义查询条件,建议将常用的查询条件都写出来--> <sql id="query_items_where"> <if test="name!=null and name!=''"> and name like '%${name}%' </if> <if test="title!=null and title!=''"> and title like '%${title}%' </if> <if test="articleId!=null"> and article_id = #{articleId} </if> </sql> <select id="queryByCondition" parameterType="ArticleQuery" resultType="Article"> <!-- 注意ORDER BY后面用的是$而不是# --> select * from articles <where> <include refid="query_items_where" /> </where> <!-- 排序字段判断 --> <if test="sort!=null and sort!=''"> ORDER BY ${sort} </if> <! -- 排序方向判断 --> <if test="direction!=null and direction!=''"> ${direction} </if> </select>


    2. update多字段判断拼接

    <update id="updateArticle" parameterType="Article"> UPDATE articles SET view_num =(case when #{viewNum}=null then view_num else #{viewNum} end), comment_num=(case when #{commentNum}=null then comment_num else #{commentNum} end), category_id=(case when #{categoryId}=null then category_id else #{categoryId} end), like_num=(case when #{likeNum}=null then like_num else #{likeNum} end) WHERE article_id=#{articleId} </update>

    主要就是用“case when”进行字段判断拼接。

    Processed: 0.021, SQL: 8