vue 开发ui库

    科技2025-02-16  14

    vue 开发ui库

    Because sometimes we have to add logic to our concepts, and Vue makes it a whole lot easier.


    FULL DISCLOSURE: THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT OR VUE COURSE. There’s no way I could cover all that in one article.If you’re looking for a full crash course or tutorial, you can find some solid ones for JavaScript here, and for Vue.js here.

    完全公开:这不是完整的Java脚本或VUE课程。 我不可能在一篇文章中涵盖所有内容。 如果您正在寻找完整的速成课程或教程,则可以在此处找到有关JavaScript的可靠知识,在此处可以找到有关Vue.js的知识。

    Finally, if you are a designer who is JUST GETTING STARTED with web coding and you have very little to no experience, I would highly recommend you begin your journey at or with courses on YouTube or Udemy on web coding and/or front-end development.


    With that out of the way, let’s get into it.


    在本文中,我将向您介绍Vue.js,如何在设计Web时使您的生活更轻松,以及为什么要学习它。 (In this article, I’m going to introduce you to Vue.js, how it can make your life easier when designing for the web, and why you may want to learn it.)

    But first, a brief and salty introduction.


    我不敢相信我在写这个 (I can’t believe I’m writing this)

    I’ve been designing since Flash was still owned by Macromedia and a floating layout was about as “responsive” as the web ever got.


    Granted, even back then there was a subtle push for designers to code, but it was mostly within a very specific domain and not by any means a general expectation or requirement. When designers did code, it was also far simpler due in part to the fact that screen requirements were minimal at best, and the asynchronous web really wasn’t a thing yet.

    诚然,即使在那时,设计人员还是在巧妙地推动编码,但是它主要是在非常特定的领域内进行的,绝不是一般的期望或要求。 当设计师进行代码编写时,它也要简单得多,部分原因是屏幕的需求最多是最小的,而且异步Web真的还不是。

    Since then, there have been several advents: we got touch-screen smartphones, we got the mobile web, asynchronous single-page-applications (SPAs) are the norm, and designers are being expected to code.


    Now before you start throwing full wine bottles at the screen I should clarify my stance on this issue: designers should never be expected to code, period. It is a misallocation of skill-set, it’s an anti-pattern when it comes to separation of concerns, and it can hurt your product very badly in the long run.

    现在,在您开始将满满的葡萄酒瓶扔到屏幕上之前,我应该澄清我在这个问题上的立场:永远不要期望设计师编写代码。 这是技能组合的错误分配,在关注点分离方面是一种反模式,从长远来看,它可能严重损害您的产品。

    Some HTML and CSS is fine for most designers, but the second you touch JavaScript you are crossing into developer territory.


    Architects don’t build houses. Electricians don’t plumb. Lawers are not underwater welders. You get the point.

    建筑师不建房屋。 电工不垂手。 律师不是水下焊工。 你明白了。

    So then why would I write an article about how to use Vue.js for designers?


    这是擦(这是很烂的擦): (Here’s the rub (and it’s a shitty rub):)

    Employers are now facing a tight squeeze; having to compete directly with large companies that have a virtually unlimited supply of venture capital, and globalized firms who can get the work done at a fraction of the cost using locational arbitrage.

    雇主现在正面临紧缩。 必须与具有几乎无限的风险资本供应的大型公司直接竞争,而全球化的公司则可以通过位置套利以很少的成本完成工作。

    What this translates to is a growing need for “generalizing specialists,” “people with T-shaped skill-sets,” or employees that can do more with less.

    这意味着对“通用专家”, “具有T型技能的人”或可以事半功倍的员工的需求不断增长。

    Based on everything I’ve seen so far, I’d be willing to bet you money something like this is going to happen. 根据到目前为止我所看到的一切,我愿意打赌你会发生这样的事情。

    With alarming regularity, I am being sent samples of job descriptions by my fellow UI/UX designers (and designers in general) that emphasize a need to know how to use the tools of a Front-End Developer.

    令人震惊的规律性是,我的UI / UX设计师(以及一般的设计师)向我发送了职位描述样本,其中强调需要了解如何使用前端开发人员的工具。

    These tools include, but are not limited to:1. HTML/CSS2. JavaScript3. jQuery4. Node.js (for build tools)5. Vue/React/Angular (along with their respective ecosystems that are huge)6. Git/Mercurial7. REST patterns8. Build tool-chains and task-runners (NPM scripts/Gulp/Grunt/Etc.)9. Transpilers (Babel).10. Bundlers (Webpack/Rollup/Etc.)11. Cloud-based NoSQL databases (Firebase/MongoDB Atlas/Etc.)

    这些工具包括但不限于: 1. HTML / CSS2。 JavaScript3。 的jQuery4。 Node.js(用于构建工具)5。 Vue / React / Angular(以及它们各自巨大的生态系统)6。 Git / Mercurial 7。 REST模式8。 构建工具链和任务运行器(NPM脚本/ Gulp / Grunt / Etc。)9。 转运(Babel).10。 捆绑包(Webpack / Rollup / Etc。)11。 基于云的NoSQL数据库(Firebase / MongoDB Atlas / Etc。)

    What does this mean? It means the game is changing, along with the definition of what it means to be a modern, employable, and profitable designer.

    这是什么意思? 这意味着游戏正在发生变化,以及对成为一名现代,可雇佣且有利可图的设计师的含义的定义。

    The fact of the matter is that traditional design is falling by the wayside, and new designers who can only put out visual artifacts, mockups, and assets are getting paid less to do more.


    ▸Do I like it? No.

    ▸我喜欢吗? 没有。

    ▸Is it fair? Not even a little bit.

    ▸公平吗? 一点儿都没有。

    ▸Is it the new reality that we’re faced with as design professionals? Yes.

    ▸这是我们作为设计专业人员面临的新现实吗? 是。

    What you need then is an edge over your competition. Something that you’re willing to do that others can or will not, to ensure your success.

    然后,您需要的是竞争优势。 您愿意做的事情,别人会做或不会做,以确保您的成功。

    One of these things, is learning how to use Vue and incorporate itinto your projects.

    其中之一是学习 如何使用Vue并将其合并到您的项目中。

    什么是Vue.js (What is Vue.js)

    Directly from the website:


    “Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.”

    “ Vue是用于构建用户界面的渐进框架。”

    This tells us less than we should probably know as designers so I will add to this explanation.


    Vue essentially takes DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation and makes it bearable through use of directives, data injection, and component-based architecture.


    Does this mean that Vue is inherently different than React, Angular, or any of the different front-end libraries/frameworks available?


    Not necessarily, but there’s a reason I favor it:its a lot easier to implement.


    In fact, it is VASTLY easier to incorporate Vue into an existing project, without ever having to use build tools. React is a pain, and don’t even get me started on Angular when it comes to retrofitting an existing project with either of them.

    实际上,将Vue集成到现有项目中非常容易,而无需使用构建工具。 React是一个痛苦的事情,当涉及到使用其中任何一个来改造现有项目时,甚至都不会让我开始使用Angular。

    This leaves us with Vue, and for better or worse it’s what we have.


    Vue.js如何工作? (How does Vue.js work?)

    Vue is very interesting animal; when added to an existing web project, it works much like jQuery but with a far cleaner syntax and is easier to deal with on the whole.

    Vue是非常有趣的动物。 当添加到现有的Web项目中时,它的工作原理类似于jQuery,但语法更简洁,整体上更易于处理。

    Essentially, a new Vue object is instantiated on your web page, and then Vue takes control of the DOM through directives and data injection.


    This is what a Vue instance will look like, if added to your project via CDN link (note that this is the development version of Vue, for production, you will want to use the production version. Both can be found here):

    如果通过CDN链接将Vue实例添加到您的项目中,这就是它的样子(请注意,这是Vue的开发版本,用于生产,您将要使用生产版本。两者都可以在此处找到) :

    This is a basic Vue instance on your page that will begin controlling your DOM. 这是页面上的基本Vue实例,它将开始控制DOM。

    Injecting data looks like this:


    The data object within the Vue instance contains a variable which holds my name. Vue实例中的数据对象包含一个保存我名字的变量。

    All that’s happening here is that I am letting Vue know that I want it to target the ‘#app’ div, and wherever it sees {{myName}}, to interpolate or inject the value of the ‘myName’ variable within the data object of the Vue instance.


    Vue如何使您的生活更轻松?(How can Vue make your life easier?)

    好的,WTF是什么意思? (Ok, WTF does that mean?)

    What it means is that instead of having to do a:‘document.querySelector(…)…whatever’You can instead just tell Vue where you want the data, and it will inject it into the right place for you.

    这意味着不必执行以下操作: 'document.querySelector(…)…任何操作'而只需告诉Vue您想要数据的位置,它将把它注入到适合您的位置。

    它具有BROAD应用程序,并且不止于此。 (This has BROAD applications, and it doesn’t stop there.)

    With Vue, you can easily tell your web page to do things that before were relatively difficult to make happen.


    These things include, but are not limited to:▸Conditional rendering▸Data looping▸Individual & group transitions▸Direct data injection▸Two-way data binding

    这些内容包括但不限于: ▸有条件的渲染▸数据循环▸个人和组转换▸直接数据注入▸双向数据绑定

    With directives like v-for, v-if, v-on, v-model, and more, it becomes very easy to manipulate your webpage directly in front of your user without having to write overly-complex JavaScript logic.

    使用v-for , v-if , v-on , v-model等指令,可以非常容易地直接在用户面前操作网页,而不必编写过于复杂JavaScript逻辑。

    Moreover, with further tools like Nuxt, a framework built on top of Vue, you are able to incorporate folder-based routing into your project. You can also generate dynamic multi-page sites, static sites, and single-page applications with one build command.

    此外,借助Nuxt (基于Vue构建的框架)等其他工具,您可以将基于文件夹的路由合并到项目中。 您还可以使用一个build命令生成动态多页面站点,静态站点和单页面应用程序。

    Vue can make your life a lot easier when dealing with user interactivity, data management, and value delivery on the web.


    那么,为什么仍要学习Vue? (So why should you learn Vue anyway?)

    I mean if it’s not a requirement, it’s just one more thing, right?


    You’ve already got a lot on your plate as a designer between UI/UX conventions constantly changing, along with screen sizes, design trends, accessibility paradigms, and best practices. Why should you care about Vue, or for that matter coding at all?

    在不断变化的UI / UX约定,屏幕尺寸,设计趋势,可访问性范式和最佳实践之间,作为设计师的设计师已经为您提供了很多帮助。 您为什么要关心Vue,或者根本不关心编码?

    It comes down to one word: leverage.


    When you can code as a designer, you have far more leverage than the average designer who can’t code.


    Leverage to get better jobs, with better pay, better working conditions, better benefits, and you automatically become way harder to replace.


    You also have the leverage to create your own products and validate them without the need for a dev-team to back you up 24/7.


    This can be very freeing; not only giving you the ability to design your solution, but to develop it exactly the way you want to with a high degree of control over the final product.

    这可以释放很多。 不仅使您能够设计解决方案,而且可以完全按照您想要的方式开发它,并且可以对最终产品进行高度控制。

    底线是什么? (What’s the bottom line?)

    我不是在说什么: (What I’m not saying:)

    With all that said, I am not telling you that you absolutely need to learn Vue or you’re hosed. You can probably get by with just being a regular, non-coding designer for at least another five years, maybe ten.

    话虽如此,我并不是要告诉您您绝对需要学习Vue,否则您将无所适从。 成为普通的非编码设计师至少还需要五年,甚至十年,您可能会获得成功。

    You don’t even necessarily need to be exceptional at coding, just good enough to take your products from concept mockups to working, production-ready code so it is easier for your dev team to implement.


    And a lot of times HTML and CSS by itself is good enough to make that happen.


    我的意思是: (What I AM saying:)

    What I am saying, however, is that the design industry is changing rapidly, and if you don’t catch up and stay caught up with demand, eventually it will catch up with you.


    No hate, just the facts.


    所以,你可以做什么? (So what can you do?)

    Number one? Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    第一? 学习HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

    Yes, the learning curve is steep and painful but just that will give you a HUGE leg up on your competition.


    After that, learn a front end library or framework like React, Angular, or Vue along with its respective build tools. There’s a boatload of courses on Udemy, YouTube, and the web, so just Google and take your pick.

    之后,学习前端库或框架(如React,Angular或Vue)及其各自的构建工具。 Udemy,YouTube和网络上有大量的课程,所以只有Google可以选择。

    Yes, to answer your burning question, there are a lot of other things you will end up learning along the way too, its all part of the process.


    After that, keep practicing to keep your skills sharp. Build projects, design and develop your concepts, and keep pushing forward.

    在那之后,继续练习以保持技巧的敏捷。 建立项目,设计和开发您的概念,并继续前进。

    This is the new normal, and we have to adapt to it as designers, or we risk the same fate as the once proud Flash: beautiful in its day, loved by many, now a relic of yesteryear, derelict, and forgotten.

    这是新常态,我们必须以设计师的身份适应它,否则我们将面临与曾经引以为傲的Flash相同的命运:今天美丽, 被许多人所喜爱,如今已成为昔日遗忘,遗忘的遗物。

    Nick Lawrence DesignWebsite | Portfolio

    尼克劳伦斯设计网站| 作品集


    vue 开发ui库

    相关资源:墨线:墨线是可自定义的Vue.js UIUX库,旨在创建完美的响应式网站-源码
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