
    科技2025-02-19  16


    In agile companies one goal is to deliver value to customers within short iterations. But what really delivers value? It often seems that everything is equally important. What is value and are there other criteria that should be considered?

    在敏捷公司中,一个目标是在短时间内为客户提供价值。 但是真正带来价值的是什么? 似乎一切都同等重要。 价值是什么?还应考虑其他标准吗?

    The Scrum Guide states that the backlog is an ordered list that includes everything that should be part of the product. Content and order of the backlog reflect the decisions of the product owner. But how does the product owner decide about the order?

    《 Scrum指南》指出,积压订单是一个有序列表,其中包括应包含在产品中的所有内容。 积压的内容和顺序反映了产品所有者的决定。 但是产品负责人如何确定订单?

    商业价值 (Business Value)

    An important criterion for prioritization is certainly business value. However, business value is not a fixed value, but depends on what value means for one’s own business. This could include the following aspects, for example:

    确定优先级的重要标准当然是业务价值。 但是,业务价值不是固定的价值,而是取决于价值对自己的业务意味着什么。 例如,这可能包括以下方面:

    Expected sales volume (quantity),

    预期销量(数量), Expected revenues,

    预期收入 Innovation potential,

    创新潜力 Impact on market share.


    “Business Value isn’t a value. Business Value is a model. Business Value models what you value.” (Chris Matts, Andy Pols)

    “业务价值不是价值。 商业价值是一种模式。 商业价值为您的价值建模。” (克里斯·马特斯(Andrew Pols))

    However, prioritizing only based on business value wouldn’t be enough, because there are other aspects that are important and need to be taken into account.


    加权最短作业优先(WSJF) (Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF))

    The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) has introduced a method for prioritizing requirements that is also very useful outside this framework: The Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) method.

    Scaled AgileFramework®(SAFe®)引入了一种对需求进行优先级排序的方法,该方法在此框架之外也非常有用:加权最短作业优先(WSJF)方法。

    In addition to business value the following criteria are taken into account:


    Business Value,

    商业价值, Time Criticality,

    时间紧迫性 Risk Reduction / Opportunity Enablement,

    降低风险/实现机会, Duration.


    The criteria Business Value, Time Criticality and Risk Reduction / Opportunity Enablement are combined and result in the Cost of Delay.


    Time criticality describes how time-critical a requirement is. For example, there could be a fixed date by which a requirement must be implemented. This can be the case with legal or contractual specifications. If there is only little time until the set date, the request is more time-critical than one for which there is no fixed date or the date is still a long way off.

    时间紧迫性描述了需求的紧迫性。 例如,可能有一个必须执行要求的固定日期。 法律或合同规定可能就是这种情况。 如果到设定日期为止只有很少的时间,则该请求的时间紧迫性要比没有固定日期或该日期还有很长的路要紧。

    The Risk Reduction / Opportunity Enablement criterion is similar to Business Value, but goes beyond the current business. Here, you check whether the implementation of a requirement can, for example, reduce the risk of this or a future delivery or whether the feature could open up new business opportunities or provide information about them. This criterion can be easily applied to more technical requirements (e.g. increased test automation, refactoring), because such features do not increase the business value, but improve the overall quality and maintainability.

    降低风险/机会实现标准类似于业务价值,但超出了当前业务范围。 在这里,您可以检查需求的实施是否可以例如降低此需求或将来交付的风险,或者该功能是否可以打开新的商机或提供有关它们的信息。 此标准可以轻松地应用于更多技术要求(例如,增加测试自动化,重构),因为此类功能不会增加业务价值,但会提高总体质量和可维护性。

    The Job Size / Duration describes the size or complexity of the requirement.


    如何根据WSJF确定优先级 (How to prioritize according to WSJF)

    In order to determine the WSJF for features and thus the priority, proceed as follows:


    A list with all features to be ordered is created.

    创建具有所有要订购功能的列表。 The individual criteria are entered in columns and estimated column by column for all features.

    在各个列中输入各个标准,并逐列估算所有功能。 The scale for each criterion is: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20.

    每个条件的标度为:1、2、3、5、8、13、20。 In each parameter column the 1 must be assigned at least once.

    在每个参数列中,必须至少分配一次1。 The highest priority is the highest WSJF value.


    If you use this method, you will quickly notice that the name matches: Small requirements usually get a higher priority than larger ones. This should encourage you to think about the size and, if necessary, to cut large requirements in order to be able to deliver value more quickly.

    如果使用此方法,您将很快注意到名称匹配:小需求通常比大需求具有更高的优先级。 这应该鼓励您考虑大小,并在必要时削减大的要求,以便能够更快地交付价值。

    A big advantage of the WSJF method is that one does not have to determine the actual values of the criteria (e.g. the turnover), but one estimates the features relative to each other.


    Now let us think about the Product Owner with his backlog again: Should he estimate all this user stories according to WSJF? No, this is usually not necessary. User stories are relatively small requirements. Estimating all aspects for each of these small requirements is far too complex and often not possible.

    现在,让我们再次考虑积压的产品所有者:他是否应该根据WSJF估算所有这些用户案例? 不,通常没有必要。 用户故事是相对较小的要求。 为这些小的需求中的每一个估计所有方面太复杂了,通常是不可能的。

    There should be epics or features that represent larger requirements and contain several user stories. For these, the Product Owner should use WSJF to prioritize. It is important that the Epics / Features are not too big. By using WSJF this would also be noticed very quickly and the requirements can then be sliced accordingly.

    应该有代表较大需求并包含多个用户故事的史诗或功能。 对于这些,产品负责人应使用WSJF进行优先级排序。 重要的是,史诗/功能不要太大。 通过使用WSJF,也会很快注意到这一点,然后可以相应地切分需求。

    翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/everything-is-a-must-have-how-to-prioritize-4b8291da7f1e


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