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Facebook Sharing SDK is a user friendly tools for sharing photos, videos and links easily through your app. User can share the media as a news feed or Story to Facebook app or as a direct message to a friend in Messenger app.
˚Facebook共享SDK是通过你的应用程序共享照片,视频和链接很容易,用户友好的工具。 用户可以将媒体作为新闻源或Story共享给Facebook应用程序,也可以作为直接消息共享给Messenger应用程序中的朋友。
Post as a News Feed (Left) & as a Story (Middle) & as a direct message (Right) 作为新闻源(左侧)和作为故事(中间)以及作为直接消息(右侧)发布The sharing code is short and simple. The following is a set of code for sharing an image as a direct message to a friend through Messenger app. It is only 10 lines long!
共享代码简短而简单。 以下是用于通过Messenger应用程序将图像作为直接消息共享给朋友的一组代码。 它只有10行!
// Same as previous session let image = UIImage(named: "AppIcon")! let photo = SharePhoto(image: image, userGenerated: true) let photoContent = SharePhotoContent() = [photo] photoContent.hashtag = Hashtag("#fooHashTag") // Show as a message dialog -> Messenger App let messageDialog = MessageDialog(content: photoContent, delegate: self), there are some limitations on each shared media (file size & maximum number of file) and tricks on providing better UI/UX. They will all be covered in this article.
但是,每种共享媒体都有一些限制(文件大小和最大文件数),以及提供更好的UI / UX的技巧。 它们都将在本文中介绍。
Please implement the Facebook Login SDK and login as through Facebook in order to get a valid access token to share through Facebook Sharing SDK.
请实现Facebook登录SDK并通过Facebook登录,以获取有效访问令牌以通过Facebook Sharing SDK进行共享。
Please run your app in real device instead of simulator since Facebook app and Messenger app cannot be installed in simulator 由于无法在模拟器中安装Facebook应用程序和Messenger应用,请在真实设备而非模拟器中运行您的应用Add the following line into Podfile and install dependency by running pod install
Podfile添加到Podfile并通过运行pod install安装依赖项
pod ‘FBSDKShareKit’There are 3 types of media that can be shared through Facebook and each of them has different limitations:
Facebook SDK provides two ways to share media through Facebook:
Facebook SDK提供了两种通过Facebook共享媒体的方式:
ShareDialog — Media is shared to user’s news feed or story.
ShareDialog —媒体已共享到用户的新闻提要或故事。
* Multimedia files (e.g. more than 1 photo) can only be shared to news feed.
MessageDialog — Media is sent to a user’s friend directly in private channel MessageDialog-媒体直接通过私人频道发送给用户的朋友Please refer to the below Medium post for selecting image and video from user’s device or camera source:
For all shared photos, it has to be wrapped by a SharePhoto object which is embedded into SharePhotoContent. The SharePhotoContent will then be used in ShareDialog and MessageDialog in next session.
对于所有共享照片,必须由嵌入到SharePhotoContent的SharePhoto对象SharePhotoContent 。 该SharePhotoContent将被用于ShareDialog和MessageDialog在下次会议。
Similar to the way of sharing photo, video data is wrapped by a ShareVideo which is embedded into ShareVideoContent.
类似的共享照片的方式,视频数据是由一缠绕ShareVideo被嵌入ShareVideoContent 。
Link is the easiest one and developer just needs to define the url.
At line 10, a ShareDialog is created with the UIViewController instance , which is going to present the dialog, and the photoContent that is defined in the previous session. At line 11, it can then be simply presented by calling show() function. The delegate ShareDelegate will be discussed in later session.
在第10行,使用UIViewController实例创建一个ShareDialog ,该实例将显示该对话框以及在上一个会话中定义的photoContent 。 然后,在第11行,可以通过调用show()函数来简单地呈现它。 委托ShareDelegate将在以后的会议中进行讨论。
Unlike ShareDialog, MessageDialog is shown by launching and delegating to Messaging app directly. Therefore, there is no need for a UIViewController instance in its constructor. The function for showing a MessageDialog is the same as the one for ShareDialog, i.e. show().
与ShareDialog不同, MessageDialog是通过直接启动并委托给Messaging应用程序来显示的。 因此,在其构造函数中不需要UIViewController实例。 用于显示MessageDialog的函数与用于ShareDialog的函数相同,即show() 。
Facebook SDK provides 3 callbacks on sharing through Facebook.
Facebook SDK提供了3个通过Facebook共享的回调。
didCompleteWithResults is triggered when user has just successfully shared through Facebook SDK.
当用户刚刚通过Facebook SDK成功共享时,将触发didCompleteWithResults 。
didFailWithError is triggered when there is an error during the sharing. For example, com.facebook.sdk.share error 2 represent a connection timeout.
共享期间发生错误时,将触发didFailWithError 。 例如, com.facebook.sdk.share error 2表示连接超时。
sharerDidCancel is triggered when user cancels his / her sharing.
当用户取消他/她的共享时,将触发sharerDidCancel 。
In order to provide a better UI/ UX, it is necessary to hide the “Share to Facebook” button and optionally redirect user to App Store, when Facebook or Messenger app is not installed. The above codes provide a simple to use function to check the existence of the two apps.
为了提供更好的UI / UX,当未安装Facebook或Messenger应用程序时,有必要隐藏“ Share to Facebook”按钮并有选择地将用户重定向到App Store。 上面的代码提供了一个易于使用的功能来检查两个应用程序的存在。
LSApplicationQueriesSchemes at info.plist LSApplicationQueriesSchemes位于info.plistMake sure that the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in info.plist must include the fb & fb-messenger in order to check the app existences.
SharingDelegate provides callbacks for monitoring the sharing process.
To provide a better UI/UX, please hide the sharing widgets when Facebook or Messenger is not installed. 为了提供更好的UI / UX,请在未安装Facebook或Messenger时隐藏共享窗口小部件。2. StackOverflow — About how to check the existence of a certain app
2. StackOverflow —关于如何检查某个应用程序是否存在
You are welcome to follow me at Twitter@myrick_chow for more information and articles. Thank you for reading this article. Have a nice day! 😄
欢迎您通过Twitter @ myrick_chow关注我,以获取更多信息和文章。 感谢您阅读本文。 祝你今天愉快! 😄
ios swift 分享
相关资源:facebook-sdk-swift, 在与Facebook平台的Swift 中,集成你的iOS应用程序.zip