The article introduces how to use DRF-Nested-Routers framework to create URLs for nested resources. In this tutorial, our target is to create APIs for getting libraries and books.
本文介绍了如何使用DRF-Nested-Routers框架来为嵌套资源创建URL。 在本教程中,我们的目标是创建用于获取库和书籍的API。
/api/libraries/ -> Get list of libraries/api/libraries/{library_id}/books/ -> Get list of book in a library/api/libraries/{library_id}/books/{book_id} -> Get details of a bookDjango Rest Framework supports to generate the URL by using Routers.
Django Rest Framework支持使用路由器生成URL。
REST framework adds support for automatic URL routing to Django, and provides you with a simple, quick and consistent way of wiring your view logic to a set of URLs.
Here’s an example of a simple URF conf using SimpleRouter according to Django Rest Framework document.
这是根据Django Rest Framework文档使用SimpleRouter的简单URF conf的示例。
from django.urls import path, includefrom rest_framework import routersfrom library import viewsrouter = routers.SimpleRouter()router.register('libraries', views.LibraryViewSet)router.register('books',views.BookViewSet)urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)),]By using the ViewSet, Django automatically generates these URLs under the hood:
URL pattern: ^libraries/$ Name: 'library-list'
URL模式: ^libraries/$名称: 'library-list'
URL pattern: ^librariess/{pk}/$ Name: 'library-detail'
网址格式: ^librariess/{pk}/$名称: 'library-detail'
URL pattern: ^books/$ Name: 'book-list'
网址格式: ^books/$名称: 'book-list'
URL pattern: ^books/{pk}/$ Name: 'book-detail'
网址格式: ^books/{pk}/$名称: 'book-detail'
However, our target is to create the nested URL pattern ^librariess/{library_pk}/books/$ to get the list of books within a library and ^librariess/{library_pk}/books/{book_pk}/$ to get details of a book.
To do in Django, you have to explicitly define the URL pattern using a regular expression. In this case, the library_pk is an integer, so we can use \d+. If it is a string, you can use \w.
要在Django中进行操作,您必须使用正则表达式显式定义URL模式。 在这种情况下,library_pk是一个整数,因此我们可以使用\ d + 。 如果是字符串,则可以使用\ w。
# Get list of books in a libraryurl(r'^libraries/(?P<library_pk>\d+)/books/?$', views.BookViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list'}), name='library-book-list')# Get details of a book in a libraryurl(r'^libraries/(?P<library_pk>\d+)/books/(?P<pk>\d+)/?$', views.BookViewSet.as_view({'get': 'retrieve'}), name='library-book-detail')Now you have to get the library_pk in the BookViewSet and get the books based on that ID
class BookViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """Viewset of book""" queryset = Book.objects.all().select_related( 'library' ).prefetch_related( 'authors' ) serializer_class = BookSerializer def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs): library_id = self.kwargs.get("library_pk") try: library = Library.objects.get(id=library_id) except Library.DoesNotExist: raise NotFound('A library with this id does not exist') return self.queryset.filter(library=library)Done. You can get access to the URL api/libraries/{library_pk}/books and api/libraries/{library_pk}/books/{book_pk}/ in your browser now.
做完了 您现在可以在浏览器中访问URL api/libraries/{library_pk}/books和api/libraries/{library_pk}/books/{book_pk}/ 。
But imagine if your project scale-up and you have to implement many relational nested URLs, your code is likely not easy to read. There is an alternative way which is to use DRF-Nested-Routers framework.
但是想像一下,如果您的项目规模扩大了,并且必须实现许多关系嵌套的URL,那么您的代码可能不容易阅读。 还有一种替代方法是使用DRF嵌套路由器框架。
You can install the library by using pip
pip install drf-nested-routers
pip install drf-nested-routers
By using DRF-Nested-Routers, the URL pattern will be simplified. It also increases the readability of the code.
通过使用DRF嵌套路由器,URL模式将得到简化。 这也增加了代码的可读性。
from rest_framework_nested import routersrouter = SimpleRouter()router.register('libraries', views.LibraryViewSet)book_router = routers.NestedSimpleRouter( router, r'libraries', lookup='library')book_router.register( r'books', views.BookViewSet, basename='library-book')app_name = 'library'urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), path('', include(book_router.urls)),]Again it depends on the requirement of your API to make a decision whether or not to use the DRF-Nested-Routers. The regular expression pattern itself is not very too hard to understand, so you can use it if you don’t have many nested relational URLs.
再次取决于您的API需求,以决定是否使用DRF-Nested-Router。 正则表达式模式本身并不是很难理解,因此如果您没有很多嵌套的关系URL,则可以使用它。
Happy coding. If you have any queries, feel free to contact me. I am happy to discuss and connect with you.
快乐的编码。 如有任何疑问,请随时与我联系。 很高兴与您讨论并建立联系。
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