Jay Leno frequently performed a simple comedy bit by reading ambiguous headlines from real newspapers. Audience reactions to those headlines suggest that ambiguous wording is funny as soon as we recognize a contradiction in the possible meanings. For example, the headline “Local high school cuts dropouts in half” can be interpreted as helping teenagers or assassinating them.
杰伊·莱诺(Jay Leno)经常通过阅读真实报纸上的模棱两可的头条来演简单的喜剧片。 观众对这些标题的React表明,一旦我们意识到可能含义的矛盾,模棱两可的措辞就很有趣。 例如,标题“当地高中辍学人数减少一半”可以解释为帮助青少年或暗杀他们。
Of course, humor is not limited to opposing ambiguities. Some jokes are funny because of the ambiguity of a homophone:
当然,幽默不仅限于对立的歧义。 由于同音异义词的含糊之处,有些笑话很有趣:
cartoon’s sign on Italian bridge “Ducka You Head, Lowla Bridgeada”
意大利桥“ Ducka You Head , Lowla Bridgeada ”上的卡通标志
“Surely, you can’t be serious.” “I am serious and don’t call me Shirley.”
“当然,你不能当真。” “我很认真,不要叫我雪莉。”
Some are funny because of the ambiguity of a homonym:
“How often do you make chemistry jokes?” “Periodically.”
“你多久开一次化学笑话?” “定期。”
“I was so bored that I memorized six pages of a dictionary. I learned next to nothing.”
“我很无聊,以至于我记住了一本字典的六页。 我几乎什么都学不到。”
Some are funny because a minor change of phonemes causes a major change in the meaning of a well known phrase:
“… If the Foo sh1ts, wear it.”
“… the beer that made Mel Famey walk us”
“……使梅尔·法米(Mel Famey)走向我们的啤酒”
Some are funny because a comforting rhythm or rhyme conflicts with a less than comforting subject matter:
“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”
Some are funny because a setup of expectation conflicts with a sudden twist:
“… I’m a drake. You made a mistake.”
“……我是德雷克。 你犯了一个错误。”
“… one goat.”
Recognizing all the different types of humor is currently beyond the abilities of any implemented natural language understanding system. However, there may come a day when the field of natural language understanding has advanced enough that assessing a system’s natural language understanding abilities requires no more than measuring the system’s success rate at recognizing a wide variety of humor, because recognizing humor is a demonstration of understanding ambiguity, and understanding ambiguity is the core of understanding natural language. Until that day, we’ll all just have to keep helping each other occasionally lighten up. Did you hear the one about the …
当前,识别所有不同类型的幽默超出了任何已实施的自然语言理解系统的能力。 但是,可能会有一天,自然语言理解领域已经发展到足以评估系统的自然语言理解能力而只需要测量系统识别各种幽默的成功率,因为识别幽默是对理解的一种证明。歧义,理解歧义是理解自然语言的核心。 直到那一天,我们所有人都不得不不时相互帮助。 您听到有关……的消息吗?
翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/can-machines-recognize-a-joke-6f9e853c6068