The short answer is, typescript is a strong type language that is built on javascript. When writing typescript, it feels like writing 90% javascript, plus 10% extra. This 10% extra, as suggested by the name “Typescript”, is the type part.
简短的答案是,打字稿是一种基于javascript的强类型语言。 编写打字稿时,感觉就像写了90%的javascript,外加10%的额外费用。 正如名称“ Typescript”所建议的那样,这10%的额外费用就是字体部分。
Have you ever run into problems like this:
const add = (num1, num2) => {console.log(num1 + num2)}Both num1 and num2 are the user input from the website. When the user puts 12 and 13, for example, you expect the return of the add function is 25. However, you may get 1213, because by default javascript reads user input as a string, not a number. So what actually happened behind the scene when the user put 12 and 13, is
num1和num2都是网站上的用户输入。 例如,当用户输入12和13时,您期望add函数的返回值为25。但是,您可能会得到1213,因为默认情况下javascript会将用户输入读取为字符串,而不是数字。 因此,当用户放置12和13时,幕后发生的实际情况是
"12" + "13" = "1213"Two strings are concatenated into a longer string rather than adding the two numbers together.
Then will typescript fix this, you may ask. The answer is actually no. Typescript won’t fix this for you and return you 25 instead of “1213”. What typescript can do is throwing an error at you before you compile and see “1213” on your screen. The error reads like this, “The arguments function ‘add’ takes should be 2 numbers, but what it actually gets are 2 strings. This is an error.” The number and string, along with many other types, are the 10% extra on top of normal javascript.
然后您可能会问打字稿解决此问题。 答案实际上是否定的。 Typescript不会为您解决此问题,而是返回25(而不是“ 1213”)。 打字稿能做的是在编译之前向您抛出错误,并在屏幕上看到“ 1213”。 错误内容如下:“参数函数'add'接受的应该是2个数字,但实际上得到的是2个字符串。 这是一个错误。” 数字和字符串以及许多其他类型是普通javascript的10%的额外费用。
To install, run in the command line
npm i -g typescriptThen, in your project folder, create file index.ts. This is going to be the file we spend most of our time working on for this practice. However, browsers can’t read .ts files directly. We need to compile .ts file into a javascript file first, and then have the browser read that javascript file created by the typescript file.
然后,在您的项目文件夹中,创建文件index.ts。 这将成为我们花费大部分时间进行此练习的文件。 但是,浏览器无法直接读取.ts文件。 我们需要先将.ts文件编译为javascript文件,然后让浏览器读取由打字稿文件创建的javascript文件。
To actually doing what we explained, run
tsc index.tsin your terminal, and this should create a javascript file for you “index.js” which doesn’t include anything yet. If you then edit on your index.ts, for example
在您的终端中,这应该为您创建一个JavaScript文件“ index.js”,该文件不包含任何内容。 例如,如果您随后在index.ts上进行编辑
console.log("Hello World!")Then you run tsc index.ts again in your terminal. You should see your index.js is updated with the exact same code “console.log("Hello World!")” This is the fundamental way to compile a typescript file in a project. Every time you write something new, run tsc index.ts to update the javascript file. There will be easier ways, but for now, just repeat this routine so we can focus on the fundamentals.
然后,您在终端中再次运行tsc index.ts。 您应该看到使用完全相同的代码“ console.log(“ Hello World!”)”更新了index.js,这是在项目中编译打字稿文件的基本方法。 每次您编写新内容时,请运行tsc index.ts来更新javascript文件。 会有更简单的方法,但是现在,只需重复此例程即可,以便我们专注于基础知识。
In typescript, you can specify the type of every variable. For example, the same function “add” in typescript would look like
在打字稿中,您可以指定每个变量的类型。 例如,打字稿中相同的函数“ add”看起来像
const add = (num1: number, num2: number) => {console.log(num1 + num2)}So now, we tell our function add that you can only take arguments who are numbers. So if you run
因此,现在,我们告诉函数添加,您只能接受数字形式的参数。 所以如果你跑
add("12", "13")Normal javascript would not throw you an error where it should, but typescript would give you the error you wish to see. “Argument of type ‘12’ and ‘13’ are not assignable to parameter of type number”. “12” and “13” are not numbers, fix it.
普通的javascript不会在应该出现的地方抛出错误,但是打字稿会给您您希望看到的错误。 “类型'12'和'13'的参数不能分配给类型号的参数”。 “ 12”和“ 13”不是数字,请修正。
There are 11 basic types in typescript. Let’s take a look at each of them.
打字稿中有11种基本类型。 让我们看看它们中的每一个。
Number Types 号码类型 const myLuckyNumber: number = 10In typescript, there is no distinguish between integers and floats. They are all numbers
在打字稿中,没有区别整数和浮点数。 他们都是数字
2. String Types
const greet: string = "Hello"3. Boolean Types
const isOn: boolean = true4. Enum Types
This is a special type that typescript has but javascript doesn’t. Enumerated data types (enums) are a set of numeric values with more friendly names. For example:
这是打字稿具有的一种特殊类型,而javascript没有。 枚举数据类型(枚举)是一组具有更友好名称的数字值。 例如:
enum Room { bathroom, kitchen, livingRoom }let firstRoom: Room = 0Here we set the firstRoom equal to the bathroom, without explicitly put word “bathroom” as the input. Later on you decide your firstRoom would instead be a kitchen, you can reassign the value like this:
在这里,我们将firstRoom设置为与bathroom相等,而未明确输入单词“ bathroom”作为输入。 稍后,您决定将firstRoom改为厨房,则可以像这样重新分配值:
firstRoom = 15. Void Types
This type is used for a function that will never have a return value.
const showConsoleLog = () :void => { console.log("hoho") }6. Null Types
You can declare a variable and decide never to assign a value to it.
let cursedVar:null = null7. Undefined Types
Similar to null, you You can declare a variable and decide to leave it undefined.
let cursedVar2: undefined = null8. Any Types
Any types, as its name suggests, would take any input and will never throw an error at you. Using any type is basically throwing away the purpose of existence of typescript because you simply go back to normal javascript. Try to avoid using any types as much as you can.
顾名思义,任何类型都将接受任何输入,并且永远不会对您造成错误。 使用任何类型基本上是放弃了打字稿存在的目的,因为您只需回到普通的javascript。 尽量避免使用任何类型。
let tempVar: any = "hmm"tempVar = 100;tempVar = true;9. Array Types
In typescript, when you define an array, you can specify the type of elements this array includes. For example, if you want an array of only numbers:
在打字稿中,定义数组时,可以指定此数组包含的元素类型。 例如,如果您只需要一个数字数组:
let numArr: number [] = [1, 4, 5]If you want an array of a mix of numbers and strings
let mixArr: (number | string) [] = [1, 4, 5, "a"]The “|” is called a Union in typescript. Use it when you expect to have more than one type.
“ |” 在打字稿中被称为联合。 当您希望有不止一种类型时,请使用它。
10. Tuple Types
Back to the previous array example. If you not only want an array to include numbers and strings, but specifically, you want to make sure the first element is always a number, and the second element is always a string. You want to use Tuple.
返回上一个数组示例。 如果不仅要让数组包含数字和字符串,而且要特别是要确保第一个元素始终是数字,第二个元素始终是字符串。 您想使用元组。
let friend1: [string, number] = ["James", 2020];It will give you an error if you try to switch the sequence
friend1 = [2020, "James"] #=> this will give you an error11. Never Types
The never type is newly introduced type to typescript which indicates the values that will never occur. For example,
never类型是typescript的新引入类型,它指示永远不会出现的值。 例如,
function throwError(errorMsg: string): never { throw new Error(errorMsg); }I hope you enjoy this guide, and have fun with typescript.
翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/what-is-typescript-and-how-it-works-6b1b8850ccba