
    科技2025-03-29  9


    Two claps, and you can turn on a lamp. Three claps, and you can switch on a TV. First released in 1985, the Clapper that allows its user to activate home appliances using sequences of claps, is often referred to as one of the earliest commercial uses of machine listening.

    两个拍手,您就可以打开灯了。 三个掌声,您就可以打开电视了。 拍板(Clapper)于1985年首次发布,它允许用户使用拍击序列来激活家用电器,通常被称为机器监听的最早商业用途之一。

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    So what is machine listening?


    “Machine listening” is the use of signal processing and machine learning for making sense of natural/ everyday sounds, and recorded music.”


    In other words, machine listening enables computers to understand the meaning of sounds like humans.


    Some might think of speech recognition when they hear the term “machine listening”. Machine listening however, is a broader term that encompasses research on a wide range of tasks, including speech recognition, sound event detection, content-based music analysis, and audio-based search.

    有些人在听到“机器收听”一词时可能会想到语音识别。 但是,机器聆听是一个广义的术语,涵盖了对各种任务的研究,包括语音识别,声音事件检测,基于内容的音乐分析和基于音频的搜索。

    Image by Cochl. 图片由Cochl提供。

    In this article, we are going to focus on detection of non-verbal sounds, that is, sounds we hear in our everyday lives — other than human voice. These include clapping, keyboard-typing, dog-barking, laugh, cough, and more, and how it can affect your smart home experience.

    在本文中,我们将专注于非语言声音的检测,即我们在日常生活中听到的声音,而不是人类的声音。 其中包括鼓掌,敲键盘,狗叫,大笑,咳嗽等,以及它如何影响您的智能家居体验。

    控制家用电器 (Controlling Home Appliances)

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    Home appliances starting from TV to curtains, speakers, bed, lights… more and more things we use at home are going smart. What if these could be controlled with sounds like clap, knock or whistle?

    从电视到窗帘,扬声器,床,灯等家用电器,我们在家里使用的越来越多的东西正在变得越来越智能。 如果可以通过拍手,敲门声或汽笛声来控制这些声音怎么办?

    We are already familiar with smart home platforms that support voice control or virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, that are usually activated by wake words like “Hey XX, turn on the music.” Many confess however it feels quite awkward and odd talking to a voice assistant, especially in public situations.

    我们已经熟悉支持语音控制​​或虚拟助手(如亚马逊的Alexa)的智能家居平台,这些智能助手通常通过唤醒字眼来激活,例如“嘿XX,打开音乐”。 但是,许多人承认与语音助手交谈时感觉非常尴尬和奇怪,尤其是在公共场合。

    Apart from the embarrassment, voice controls have varying performance depending on the language. Alexa, developed by the US company, works best with standard American English, and has limitations understanding non-English languages. Many smart platforms thus naturally have limited language supports for voice control.

    除了尴尬之外,语音控制还会根据语言而有所不同。 由美国公司开发的Alexa,最适合使用标准的美国英语,并且在理解非英语语言方面存在限制。 因此,许多智能平台自然会为语音控制提供有限的语言支持。

    Unlike voice controls, we feel at ease when we use non-verbal sounds to control IoT platform. Clap to turn on the TV, whistle to play music — setting up shortcut commands for actions you frequently perform could come in handy, giving you better speed and convenience.

    与语音控件不同,当我们使用非语言声音来控制IoT平台时,我们会感到放心。 鼓掌打开电视,吹口哨播放音乐-为您经常执行的操作设置快捷命令可能会派上用场,从而为您带来更快的速度和便利性。

    室内环境感知 (Indoor Context-Aware)

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    We make noises in our daily routines that contain clues to be recognized by sounds. In the kitchen, we often make chopping sounds when cutting up ingredients, turn on the microwave to warm cold food, clattering sounds when we eat, and water-running sounds when doing the dishes.

    我们在日常工作中发出噪音,其中包含声音可以识别的线索。 在厨房里,我们经常在切碎食材时发出切碎的声音,打开微波炉加热冷的食物,进餐时发出嘶哑的声音,洗碗时发出流水的声音。

    So… what’s the deal? How does the fact that my IoT platform is aware of all these benefit me?

    所以……怎么了? 我的物联网平台意识到所有这些,这对我有什么好处?

    Generally, context-awareness is the ability of devices to sense their physical environment and adapt their behavior accordingly. Context-aware home can bring true automation by making subtle adjustments and suggestions that can help lift your moods and automatically control the environments according to the situation.

    通常,上下文感知是设备感知其物理环境并相应地调整其行为的能力。 感知上下文的家庭可以通过进行细微的调整和建议来带来真正的自动化,这些调整和建议可以帮助您情绪高涨,并根据情况自动控制环境。

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    When you are back home after a long day at work, you deserve a quality rest. As you are having dinner, the lights are automatically adjusted and the speaker plays pleasant music. After dinner time, you watch your favorite TV show and fall asleep. As you start to snore, TV will be turned off and the lights will go off.

    经过一整天的工作后回到家中时,您应该得到优质的休息。 晚餐时,灯光会自动调节,扬声器播放悦耳的音乐。 晚餐后,您可以观看自己喜欢的电视节目并入睡。 当您开始打sn时,电视将关闭,灯光将熄灭。

    While recognizing most of these at-home behaviors could be achieved with cameras with computer vision enabled, we feel disturbed and feel uneasy that camera is watching our private space, even if the product says it does not save any private data. That is why hearing-enabled devices could be a better choice than vision-enabled ones. Users can feel much more secure and private, knowing that their device runs purely by on-device computing power, and does not send any data to the cloud.

    尽管认识到启用了计算机视觉的摄像机可以实现大多数这些在家中的行为,但即使产品说它没有保存任何私有数据,我们也感到不安和不安,因为摄像机正在注视着我们的私人空间。 这就是为什么有助听功能的设备可能会比有助视功能的设备更好的选择。 知道他们的设备完全依靠设备上的计算能力运行,并且不会将任何数据发送到云中,用户会感到更加安全和私密。

    监控亲人 (Monitoring Your Loved Ones)

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    Sounds could be a great source of information for those whose major method of communication is not a proper language.


    Dogs and babies. Many people devote their time and resources and would do anything to keep them safe and happy. There are many dog cams and baby cams, but it is not possible to keep your eyes on the cams all the time. With machine listening ability, you can be notified when your baby cries or dog barks, and instantly check if anything went wrong, when you are at home or away.

    狗和婴儿。 许多人投入时间和资源,会竭尽所能使他们安全快乐。 有很多狗凸轮和婴儿凸轮,但是不可能一直把眼睛盯在凸轮上。 借助机器聆听功能,您可以在宝宝哭泣或狗吠时得到通知,并在您在家或不在时立即检查是否有任何问题。

    Monitoring is also a crucial job needed for patients and the elderly. Even at hospitals, it is hard to manage all the patients given the limited number of medical staffs. In times of pandemic, detecting that there is regular cough coming from a particular room could help spotting a potential source of infection. Patients who collapse to the floor at night and can’t reach help, could use some help from machine listening as well.

    监测也是患者和老年人所需的关键工作。 即使在医院,由于医护人员的数量有限,也难以管理所有患者。 在大流行期间,检测到特定房间有规律的咳嗽有助于发现潜在的感染源。 夜间昏倒在地板上而无法获得帮助的患者,也可以从机器聆听中获得一些帮助。

    结论 (Conclusion)

    Machine listening properly engaged can make your daily life easier, healthier, and safer. Major tech companies have recently started to release their own machine listening solutions. Amazon’s Alexa Guard launched in 2019 lets Amazon Echo smart speaker listens for glass break and smoke alarms. Apple’s new iOS 14 feature lets the iPhone alert you if it hears sounds like a doorbell or baby crying. Starting from smart speakers and smartphones, we are going to see more of these machine listening abilities integrated with home IoT platform — into your own bed, home cams, lights and more.

    适当地参与机器聆听可以使您的生活更轻松,更健康,更安全。 大型高科技公司最近开始发布自己的机器监听解决方案。 亚马逊的Alexa Guard于2019年推出,可让Amazon Echo智能扬声器监听玻璃破碎和烟雾警报。 Apple的新iOS 14功能使iPhone在听到门铃或婴儿哭泣等声音时会提醒您。 从智能扬声器和智能手机开始,我们将看到更多与家庭IoT平台集成的机器监听功能-进入您自己的床,家庭摄像头,灯等。

    翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-machine-listening-transforms-smart-home-experience-ff81b10c48d0


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