第二章第五题(金融应用:计算小费)(Financial application: calculate tips)

    科技2022-07-10  220

    第二章第五题(金融应用:计算小费)(Financial application: calculate tips)

    *2.5(金融应用:计算小费)编写一个程序,读入一笔费用与小费利率,计算小费和总钱数。例如,如果用户输入10作为费用,15%作为小费利率,计算结果显示小费$1.5,总费用为$11.5。 下面是一个运行示例: Enter the subtotal and a gratuity rate: 10 15 The gratuity is $1.5 and total is $11.5

    *2.5(Financial application: calculate tips) Write a program that reads the subtotal and the gratuity rate and then computes the gratuity and total.for example,if the user enters 10 for subtotal and 15% for gratuity rate, the program displays $1.5 as gratuity and $11.5 as total. Here is a sample run: Enter the subtotal and a gratuity rate: 10 15 The gratuity is $1.5 and total is $11.5


    package chapter02; import java.util.*; public class Code_05 { public static void main(String[] args) { int subtotal,gratuity_rate; double gratuity,cost_total; System.out.print("Enter the subtotal and a gratuity rate:"); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); subtotal = input.nextInt(); gratuity_rate = input.nextInt(); gratuity = 0.01 * subtotal * gratuity_rate; cost_total = subtotal + gratuity; System.out.println("The gratuity is $" + gratuity + " and total is $" + cost_total); input.close(); } } 结果显示: Enter the subtotal and a gratuity rate:10 15 The gratuity is $1.5 and total is $11.5 Process finished with exit code 0
    Processed: 0.010, SQL: 8